Just Call me Little Red

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I felt like I was living in a fairy tale at the moment as I ran through the darkness of the trees. It was like I was little red and the big bad wolf was hot on my trail. I couldn’t see him but the hairs on the back of my neck were raised as if sensing the danger I was in. Victor could be anywhere in this forest but I hoped he was behind me. The sounds of the night mixed with the sound of my feet hitting the dirt but other than that everything was quiet. 

The more I focused the quiet the more I felt like something wasn’t right. I slowed myself down until I was standing alone in the darkness looking back over my shoulder from where I had come from and I realized than that I didn’t actually know where I had come from. It was to dark and I must have gotten turned around somehow. I heard the sound of crunching and I spun quickly and stared into the darkness but there was nothing. 

Maybe I had lost him? The sound of growling destroyed that thought as soon as it appeared. I turned around to find a pair of glowing eyes in the darkness coming closer. I backed up slowly, “Victor…” I say his name as if somehow I could reason with him. His ear press back against his head and his lips are pulled back in a snarl showing off his razor sharp teeth, “So I guess talking this out is out of the question then?” I say to him. Plan B Elena, Don’t let the big bad wolf eat you. 

I draw on the power of my wolf as I watch Victors movements carefully. I saw when he was going to attack me and I watched his body flying through the air as he lunged towards me. I spun quickly kicking out my leg. It collided with the side of his chest and sent him flying into a nearby tree. He hit it and fell to the ground. He shook his head as he pushed himself back up off the ground not ready to give up on his prey yet. I noticed a low hanging branch and I saw a way to escape. 

Victor charged toward me as I jumped up grabbing a hold of the branch. He passed right underneath me but quickly caught himself and turned around. I fix my grip on the branch and started to pull myself up but it’s not like I was in the best shape of my life. I mean just cause I’m a werewolf doesn’t mean I’m instantly fit. Victor kept jumping underneath me his teeth snapping at my feet. I looked down over my shoulder, “Seriously?” I say down at him surprised at the fact he was so unwilling to give up. He pressed his body up again this time this teeth sunk into my ankle. I let out a yelp but didn’t let go of the tree. I held on tight and started kicking at his body with my free foot, “Thats. Not. Very. Nice.” I say between my teeth, “I thought we were friends…” I kick him some more and he releases me falling back to the ground. 

I try to ignore the feeling in my ankle as I start to swing my body back and forth to gain some kind of momentum to lift myself into the tree. Victor jumps up again and this time he get a little higher on my leg. His teeth sink into the meaty muscle of calf. I cry out as the pain shot up my body causing me to release my hold on the branch. We both fall to the ground with a thud which makes him release me. I scramble up quickly dragging my bad leg behind me. I stare at Victor as he looks at me like a predator whose cornered their prey. I know it’s impossible for me to run away from him now and he knows that too. 

I can sense my wolf’s power humming just below the surface, Let me help. If I were to shift I might be able to survive but I could also end up killing Victor and I don’t want that. I mean it’s not his fault that some psycho woman marked him like that. I close my eyes and breathe in deeply, “This royally sucks…” I say more to myself as what I assumed were my last words. I heard His snapping growl and waited for impact but instead I heard the sound of loud snarl and then a yelp. I opened one of my eyes and then the other when I says a giant black wolf standing over Victor with a very serious snarl on his lips. I don’t think I’d ever scene anything so vicious and promising of death. Victor growled a bit and started to squirm but finally stilled into submission. 

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