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"So you're looking into getting a dog?" Felix asks while looking up at me from my lap. "Yeah I've been babysitting Dalkyum for Yugyeom when I'm not at work and I kinda get lonely when I'm here by myself." He nods and shows me a picture of a puppy on a website. "How about this one?" He shows me a mini Australian Shepard. "I love it, I love Aussies." His face starts turning a shade of pink. "Felix are you okay? Is this room getting too warm?" He chuckles softly shaking his head. "Noooo I'm fine...if you like this puppy I can put on hold online and we can go look at it later."

"Okay, let's do that. I actually have to tutor JB now but afterwards we can go together." He sits up and gives me a hug. "Alrighty then, text me love okay?" I feel butterflies erupting in my stomach. "O-okay...love." He chuckles a bit. "You're so cute. Don't forget to text me." He waves on his way out the door.


"I am not Justin Bieber? Did I say it right?" I nod giving JB a thumbs up. "Good, next time we'll watch a movie and you have to tell me what you understand from it." "Sounds fun...soooo anything new with you and Felix? He told you he liked you mmmm 2 months ago. When are you two going to start dating? You like each other and you two obviously have some chemistry...what's up?" I sigh knowing he's absolutely right. "I know...it's Jisung. He is so against it and I don't want to date behind his back. I really like Felix though, I think we'd be happy together." JB shakes his head. "I say you tell your brother after you date fo awhile." "How long? Jisung gets suspicious just about us hanging out with each other." He shrugs. "I don't know...a few months?"


Felix🥰🍷: Hey love,the boys want to tag along...is that okay?

-Yeah that's fine, Jisung won't say anything if they come along with us.

Felix🥰🍷: Yeah that's true...you're free Saturday right. I want to take you out on a date.

I start choking on the water I'm drinking. Did I read that correctly?

-A date? Like just you and me?

Felix🥰🍷: Well yeah and you know the puppy too☺️

-...Wow okay sure. I'm heading down now🥰

So I close my "office" door and I head down the hallway to the elevator. "Oh hey Mina! It's been forever since I last saw you." I see Jackson inside the elevator when I step inside. "Oh uh yeah well I seem to stay booked and busy these days. You know how it is right. You're always really busy." He clutches his heart being dramatic. "Oh Mina you know I'd always make time for you. We should get together soon and hang out." "Jackson I see you on Sundays for family dinner with the rest of your members."

"Yeah but we have no one on one time. You hang out with just BamBam and Yugyeom and I saw pictures of you and Jinyoung hanging out. When's my turn?" I laugh nervously. "Um well just text me and let me know when you're free." The elevator opens up and I dash out the elevator as quickly as possible. "Wait Mina, I don't have your number!" Everyone around us stops and looks at us. "Hehe just get it from BamBam or Yugyeom. Gotta go, I'm running late for something." I quickly try to find Felix and the boys.


"Is this the one you want love? He seems to have taken quite the liking to you." The puppy I'm holding snuggles me and licks my face. "Yess I feel a connection to him, he's so sweet." We bring the puppy to the front desk to let them know we want to adopt him. "Will both of you be the guardian?" Felix's face starts turning red. "Uhh yeah we are." He signs the forms before passing it to me to sign.

"So you two are parents now??" Jeongin asks excitedly. "Yeah we are! I'm really excited, our baby is so sweet." Hyunjin smiles petting my puppy. "Cute, what's his name?" "Pluto because he's small and cute." Jeongin pouts. "Am I still your favorite son?" He hugs me and I pat his back. "Of course Innie, Seungmin barely comes to hang out with us anyways."


"Felix I know we're going on a picnic but when you said that I thought it'd be daytime." It's currently nighttime and we're driving up a mountain. "Have you gotten a chance to see the stars clearly at night?" I nod patting Pluto who's fallen asleep on my lap. "Once when I visited Yellowstone national park when I was 15. I wish I could see the stars all the time." "Me too but I think seeing you is just as wonderful." Butterflies start swimming around in my stomach.

We finally park the car. "Before we get out I need to ask you something." He turns to face me. "I'm listening..." I take a deep breath. "You asked me out on a date and almost 2 months ago you confessed that you have feelings for me. I'm sorry but like are we just having fun or are we being serious?" He sighs placing a hand over mine. "My mistake love, I thought we had mutual thoughts that we were dating. I'm sorry if I didn't make our relationship clear." My eyes widen slightly.

"How would I know if you've never properly asked me out? Oh Felix..." He chuckles softly. "Okay, Mina will you officially be my girlfriend?" I smile and nod happily. "Of course I will! Now that that's out the way, are you carrying the picnic basket?"


"The stars are so beautiful, when I was younger I wanted to be a star." Felix plays with my hair as we lay on our picnic basket gazing at the stars. "Like a singer or an actual star?" "Well a little bit of both. Mostly an actual star, they shine so beautifully and I just wanted to sit on the moon and be amongst them. I used to want to be a singer but I'm not much of an entertainer." He frowns slightly. "What do you mean? I think you're great at it, you brighten up a room with just your laughter. I don't think your dreams are silly Mina..." I sigh looking up at the sky. "As a kid I was bullied in school because of my voice and how high pitched it was, for having weird shaped eyes, and everyone liked my brothers more. Even Jisung ignored me at school and we were in the same grade. I was just too nice and was a pushover. I didn't fit in much and I just wanted to be alone. So I would sit outside and try to look at the stars because that's the only time I could feel at peace."

"Jisung didn't defend you at all?" Felix starts to sound upset. "Don't look at him any differently, I mean all my brothers didn't treat me right when we were kids. In fact, the only person who treats me well in my family is my dad. My mom loves the boys the most and shows them favoritism. It's okay, I know I'm nobody's favorite, I've learned to live with it. Classic middle child syndrome." Pluto snuggles on my chest falling asleep again. "Well you're my favorite person, in fact although I've known you for 4 months it feels like I've known you for years. How anyone could treat you so poorly is unfathomable really. Looking into your eyes is my favorite part of the day. I wish we could've grown up together, we could've had a good time." Our faces seem to draw closer together like opposite sides of a magnet until our lips meet.

"I love you ..." My eyes widen a bit and he starts stuttering. "W-well I m-mean I uhhh I well you-" I shut him up by kissing him causing him to blush. "I love you too..."

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