The Story of Mina & Noah

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Mina in the first Winter of 2018

"Mina this is Reigna, she's the girl I've been telling you about." I blink a few times feeling hurt. I recently confessed I had feelings for him and he told me he just started seeing this girl and he really liked her. "Oh hi nice to meet you, I think you two look nice together." She smiles fake like smacking her gum. "Yeah you too. Noah I got to go to English, will you walk with me?" He looks at me and I fake a smile. "It's fine I'll walk to class by myself, go with your girlfriend." He shoots me his best smile and hugs me. "You're the best Mina, save my seat okay?" Before I can respond he's already walking away hand and hand with her. I sigh trudging to class feeling my heart breaking with each step.

After class I decide that I can't take being at school anymore so I drive myself home. No one is home so I just go in my room and sit on my bed. I take out my phone and I try to call Jisung but it goes to voicemail. I sigh knowing he's busy so I just turn on my sad song playlist. I feel myself tearing up and I let the tears fall freely down my face. I feel my phone vibrating and I see Jisung is calling me back. "Hey sis! What's up? Sorry I was practicing but I have a few minutes." "Oh I won't bother you then, I'll just talk to you when you're free next time. Don't work too hard." "Are you crying Mina? What's wrong? Are you still getting bullied?" I roll my eyes at his last question because even if I was he'd be no help...just like when we were younger. "No...I'm just tired and I have a slight cold. I'll be fine, don't worry." He hums and I hear someone asking who's on the phone. "It's my sister! Stop, I'm worried about her! Well Mina have some tea and get some rest, I'll send you a package of snacks soon! I got to go but I'll text you later!"

I sniffle continuing to cry thinking about how Noah chose that snobby girl over me. I feel my phone vibrate and a message pops up.

Noah😊❤️: Hey you didn't look too well, are you sick? My mom made some soup if you want some.
-I'm fine, thank you for asking

Noah😊❤️: Oh then why'd you miss psych class?
-No reason, just tired.

Noah😊❤️: Okay are you still good for tonight? It's Karaoke Night and I need my partner👀
-Sure I'll be there

I pull up to the karaoke club we go to every Friday night. I brace myself before walking through the doors and greeting the sweet older woman who's the owner. She points to the room that Noah and I rent all the time and I go inside to see him flipping through the book. "I thought you weren't going to show but I'm glad you did. I've been working on this art piece and I don't want you to open it until after graduation. It's an early graduation present so no peaking!" He points to the huge canvas wrapped in the corner and my eyebrows raise in surprise.

"A painting? What's it of?" He smirks typing in what song he wants to sing. "That would be too easy Mina, it's a come on Bruno Mars is waiting!"


April 2018

"Mina did you buy your prom ticket? Reigna says it's going to be a night to remember, well she's in charge of it all." I shake my head sipping my lychee boba tea. "No I don't have a date or anything and I don't like being around so many people at one time. I hope you have fun though, Reigna seemed really...excited last time I saw her." I try not to roll my eyes at the mention of her name.

"You can score a date, I know a guy who'd like to take you." I know who he's talking about and it's a no for me. "I'm not going out with her brother Noah, he's a jerk. Plus I didn't go last year either so I'm sure I'll be fine." He sighs sliding me over a mochi. "Well I can't make you change your mind but at least meet up with us afterwards. Promise?" I sigh holding out my pinkie which he gladly takes. "I promise. Now let's pick out that apartment for the summer!"

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