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"Uh Chris can you explain why I'm in JYP's office??" He shrugs suspiciously. "Your guess is as good as mine." I sigh not in the mood for this, I actually don't care for the man too much. He walks in with a straight face sitting down across from us at his desk. "Ah Mina it's always a pleasure to see my favorite English tutor, you've been hiding something from me. I'm very disappointed." I raise an eyebrow. "That is?" He scoffs and pulls up a video of me singing karaoke at the company party two nights ago. I look at Chan with disinterest. "So...what exactly is this about? I don't like beating around the bush." He chuckles seemingly amused. "Ah well I would like to sign you. You see, this video got leaked and went viral. What do you say, do you want to make history?" I shake my head. "Ah no thanks ...may I go back to work now?"

He looks at me dumbstruck. "What if I say I'll make it worth your while? Look over this contract." He slides over this packet that I take a glance at. "Mmmm no. First of all I'm not an idiot, this pay off is low and I'm not taking that. Secondly, a dating restriction? I have a boyfriend already and lastly...I will never do cute concept. I hate it..." He blinks a few times taking in what I said. "So if I change those things it's a deal?" "That and everyone in this company gets better treatment! Especially Got7, you don't treat my babies right! And Stray Kids too AND Boy Story for crying out loud!! Until then you can-" "Deal...welcome aboard."


"I can't believe you said all of that to him, you're so brave. I actually can't believe you're going to be a rookie soloist. Will you be my girlfriend??" I roll my eyes at Felix who is playing with Pluto. "Well it definitely wasn't my plan, it's Jinyoung's fault making me sing at that stupid party. The stupid thing is I still have to tutor idols while I'm in training as if life isn't hard enough. I'm exhausted Lixie, my trainer is so hard on me." I groan putting up my aching feet. "My poor baby, I know it's hard but you'll be fine. Let me massage your feet, you definitely shouldn't be a dancer, your feet are too flat." I scoff . "You're telling me? Shoot I know that, that's why I stick to Just Dance." He chuckles coming to sit on the couch pulling me into his lap. "You're so cute right now all I want to do is kiss you so badly. Just keep fighting a little longer okay?"

6 months later (a year since Mina has been living in Korea)

"Lixie!"Felix pushes me into the pool. "Sorry love but  you weren't going to jump in." He jumps in after me and resurfaces smiling. "I can't stand you, I have to get my hair straightened again now." He laughs swimming closer to me. "It's okay love, I love your curly hair. It suits you best I think." I purse my lips trying to stay mad at him. "Ugh it's impossible to be mad at you...by the way my parents are coming to visit next week. They're excited to meet you." He raises an eyebrow. "Oh really? That's cool, I need to talk to your dad about something anyways."

"Like what exactly? Also do you know what today is??" He wraps his arms around my waist and leans his forehead against mine. "How could I forget...happy anniversary love. But as for your father I wanted to ask him something. I can't ruin the surprise." He pecks my lips quickly making sure no one is around. "Felix why are looking around? We're at a private pool, the only people here are you and me...well and Pluto." Pluto barks happily from the shade. "You have him so spoiled just look at him babe."

Pluto has his doggy shades on and laying on his back playfully. "That's because he's my baby, aren't you mommy's big baby?" He sits up and barks as if saying yes. "Ahh I love you."


"So baby are we making this a tradition? Having a picnic under the stars? If so, I think that it's my favorite thing to do with you." He feeds me a chocolate covered strawberry while I feed him one. "Mmm yes I think you look really beautiful in the moonlight, your personality reminds me of the night sky." I smile up at him. "If I'm the moonlight then you're definitely the sunshine." He smiles cutely laying beside me. "That has to be the cutest thing you've ever said, well besides when you text me Minecraft love memes. I still can't believe it's been a year...your career has really taken off too. I think you're the most popular idol at the company right now. I'm really proud of you." I snuggle up closer to him to get comfortable. "Aww thank you, I honestly can't believe that I'm in this position. I didn't come here to become famous, I didn't even know what to expect really. I didn't expect to be in a relationship with someone who loves me like I love them."

"Okay what was the first thing you loved about me?" I giggle softly. "Your voice, I could listen to you talk all day about any and everything. Your personality is the opposite of mine so I liked how you made me want to open up more. You're very addicting but don't let this go to your head." He places a kiss on my forehead. "If I'm addicting you're my twin. I love to do things just to make you laugh because it's the most beautiful laugh I've ever heard. I love being the reason you smile and I hate to be the reason you cry. I appreciate how you always play video games with me and you sing your heart out at karaoke. You're the best part of my day and at this point in our relationship I can honestly say I'd love to spend the rest of my life with you."

"You're the sweetest guy I've ever dated, I can see us actually getting married and having a future together. You know I like that we're at the beach this time, the waves are so relaxing and the stars are beautiful as usual but more romantic when I'm with you." There's a comfortable silence until he breaks it. "So...you have an ex boyfriend?" I giggle at how cute he is. "You're the only guy I've dated, I was just trying to romantic Lix." I look up at him and I see him smiling to himself. "I'm glad that you chose me to be your first. Speaking of first...your first stage is coming up. Are you excited?" "Errr yeah it's going to be nerve wracking. My parents are going to be there and all my friends...you. It's all exciting and scary at the same time."

"Awww you'll be fine love, we're all going to support you. I'll even make you brownies as a reward." He pecks my lips over and over until I start smiling. "There's that smile I love..."

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