Girls Are Flowers, Boys Are Rain

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A/n: This is about the filming of the drama Mina is in. This chapter is basically the plot of the drama so you all are familiar with it because future chapters will have mention of it and I don't want you to be lost. Okay here we go!!


I walk onto the filming site nervous because I'm going to be playing the role of Lee Minho's love interest and well I've read the script...this is interesting. "안녕하세요 미나씨, welcome! Today we're going to be filming your first encounter with your lover. You can go ahead to get prepped in makeup." I bow slightly and do as I'm told. My personal makeup artist is already here smiling at me. "Hey girl, so I can sense your nervous but chill out. You're married to Felix and you love him so no worrying about Lee Minho."

"Okay...I am nervous not about meeting him but the script. We're very....affectionate to say the least. Gosh I hope Felix knows I'm just acting when I do this." She starts doing my makeup and shakes her. "You'll be fine, how bad can it be anyways? It can't be soo bad...right?"


The Introduction

I walk down the stairs and go into the kitchen and greet my parents. "좋은 아침이에요 아빠, 엄마. Do you think I'll get the job? I think teaching English should be easy enough." My dad shrugs. "I don't see why not, you're qualified." My mom purses her lips. "I hope you find a good man while you're out that will marry you. Then you'll finally be able to let us not worry about you so much." I sigh grabbing a piece of fruit. "You know I already am waiting for Yongrae to get back from overseas. We promised we'd wait for each other until he gets back. Anyways I have to go, love you both!"

I kiss them both goodbye and run out before they can say anything else.


I walk out of my interview with a job, I smile to myself getting into my car. Ahhh can life get any better than this?? Only if Yongrae was here....I feel my stomach growl and I pout slightly. "Ugh what's close to here...maybe I'll stop by the street market on my way home." I start my car and head to the market to get food.


I walk around acquiring various goods from different vendors when I bump into someone eating some 달걀 빵. "미안해...Yongrae?! What are you doing here?!" He looks down and smiles. "I see we still think alike even after all these years. I just got back home and I missed the street market and I was going to buy you flowers but you bumped into me before I could do that." I feel my cheeks heat up but it's not like he would be able to tell. "Oh...this is so weird, I was just thinking about you today."

He raises an eyebrow smirking. "So you were really thinking about me? Did you perhaps miss me?" I feel myself getting slightly shy and I look down at the ground. "Um yeah I did miss you, you're my best friend....did you miss me?" His smirk deepens as he shrugs. "Oh wouldn't my girlfriend like to know." I feel my heart ache a bit at his words. "Oh...well it was nice running into you. See you later Yongrae..." I smile before starting to walk off in the direction of my car. "Aish...Mirai-ah I was talking about you! I kept my promise!!"

He catches up to me and I try to hide the smile on my face. "You were am I still going to get flowers?" He laughs hugging me. "Ahh I missed you so much, of course I'm going to get you flowers." I hug him back as we walk together. "Well it's been 3 years since you've last seen me in person and you texted me so sporadicly that I thought you were avoiding me." I say teasingly. "Well I FaceTimed you whenever I missed seeing your face....I should've texted more often. It's nerve wracking talking to you."

We reach a flower shop just outside of the street food market and walk inside. "You didn't need to be nervous Yongrae, we literally grew up together. You also know me well enough to pick out my favorite flowers." He smiles confidently and guides us over to the shopkeeper. "Ahh I remember you two, still together? I know just the flowers, wait here." The older gentleman goes and starts building a bouquet of my favorite flowers. "Here you are, remember, the stronger your relationship, the longer the flowers will last. Girls are flowers, boys are rain."


"Oh so you'll be working at the middle school? That's really cool, I can come visit you when I'm not in business meetings." I raise an eyebrow as I stare across from him in the booth. "Will your dad be okay with that? You know he always wants you focused and I'm a distraction." He places his hand on mine and smiles softly. "You're not a distraction, my dad is happy we're together. He wants me to hurry up and get married so I can produce an heir."

I can't help but laugh. "Ahhh yeah my mom wants me to get married so I can be a housewife but I want to teach you know? I like working, if I'm not working I feel like I have no purpose." He nods showing he's listening. "What do you think about having kids? Do you think you'd want children?" I nod sipping my matcha latte. "Of course, at least one but two is fine." He smiles sipping his coffee. "Ahh that's what I was know why don't we just do it?"

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "Do what? Get married? Is this your way of proposing?" He chuckles softly and reaches for something in his pocket. He pulls out a box and slides it over. I open it curiously to find a teardrop diamond ring glistening. It's much more expensive looking than I expected. "Park Yongrae!" "Choi Mirai...will you marry me?....Please?" Everyone around us starts looking excitedly and recording and I smile. "Yes! I mean 네 ...slip it in my finger.."

He slips the ring on me smiling and people around us start chanting for us to kiss. I lean in nervously because we've only kissed once before but Yongrae leans in smirking and kisses me confidently.


We walk into my house giggling and the lamp light switches on. My mom looks surprised to see me standing there with Yongrae. "Are my eyes deceiving me?? that an engagement ring?! 예보 come quick, our little girl is getting married!!" My dad comes sauntering in and smiles seeing Yongrae. "Oh I just talked with your father this morning and he said you'd be back home but I didn't expect news of an engagement....congratulations you two! We look forward to helping plan the wedding. 예보 let's go and give them some privacy."

My dad drags my mother away and we wave goodbye to them. "It's late so I'm going to go but I'll see you tomorrow?" I nod and he leans down and kisses me sweetly. "I'll FaceTime you when I get home okay? I...I love you." A smile spreads across my face. "I love  you, have a safe trip home!"


I put my flowers in a vase and for some reason they look really vibrant. "You have the tell tell flowers, when your relationship is really good they'll look good...if it turns sour then they'll start to wither. Take good care of your relationship!" My mom pops up behind me and scares me. "엄마 you scared me!....wait that's really how these flowers work? Wow okay, I'll keep that in mind." She has an unreadable expression on her face. "You're really planning on marrying Yongrae right? This isn't a joke?!"

"It's not a joke, we're really engaged. See look at the ring." She takes my hand and squeals in delight. "Ahh prayers do get answered, you actually are getting married!" My phone rings and vibrates revealing Yongrae's contact. "Answer him!"



"CUT!! That's a wrap folks, filming for the first episode is done! We'll be back next week for episode two!!" I spot Felix chatting with Charlotte in the distance and I smile. "Good job with the kissing scenes, I hope you don't feel awkward about them." I look up at Minho and shake my head. "It's just acting, but thank you! I think it seemed natural enough. I dream about...nevermind. See you next week!"

I bow politely and speed walk over to Felix. "You did wonderful today! I love the chemistry, very natural!" Charlotte says hugging me. " Lix how much of filming did you see?" He smiles softly. "Half of it...both kissing scenes. I loved it apart from watching you kiss another guy. It's apart of the script though so I can't complain. You're so cute in your outfit, go change so we can go out and get some dinner."


"So you're jealous of Lee Minho aren't you?" I sigh and nod watching Mina walk off to her dressing trailer. "Well she's your wife so take charge and show him who's boss! And remember though it's just acting, she's not going to fall in love with him or anything." Yeah I certainly hope not....

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