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"God stop shooting me!! It's so annoying I–" My phone starts vibrating and I see Mina's face pop up on the screen. I quickly answer it still concentrating on my game. "Hey love what's up? Oh you got to be kidding me!!" "Hey...you forgot didn't you?" I pause my game and look at the time. "Urm is there something I'm supposed to be doing right now?" I hear her sigh and mumble something to herself. "Pardon love, I couldn't hear you." "Nevermind...I'll just have you meet them another time."

I drop my controller remembering that I'm supposed to be going to dinner with her and her family. Jisung left almost an hour ago. "I'll be there in about 20 minutes, I'm stuck in traffic." I run to my closet to find the suit I'm supposed to be wearing. "Oh okay, I'm glad you didn't forget! I love you and I'll see you in 20 minutes!"


I make it to the restaurant in record time and I see Mina and her family standing outside. "Sorry I'm late everyone." Jisung and Mina exchange looks. "You're not late, you're just in time actually. Khi, Mommy, Daddy this is Felix my boyfriend." They all smile and her younger brother Khi towers over me waving. "It's nice to finally meet you, Mina said that you were quite the charmer." Her mom smiles. "Oh urm her are your flowers, I got you both flowers." Mina smiles when her mom gives me a hug.

"They're beautiful, thank you Felix!" I smile and tell her it wasn't a problem. Mina kinda looks just like her mom...


"Yes thank you Lixie." We all walk into the restaurant and he interlocks our hands. "You and your mum kinda look alike." He whispers and I feel my smile falter a bit. "I've been told..." We sit down at our reserved table. "So how did you two meet?" Khi rolls his eyes at my dad's question. "Uh dad Felix is a member of my group Stray Kids." Jisung says and my dad nods. "Ah I see, you have an accent. Let me guess, Australian?" Felix smiles. "That's right, sunny Australia. Have you ever been?" My dad shakes his head. "No but I'd love to visit one day, is it as beautiful as everyone says?"

"Yes, maybe we can all go on a trip and I can be your tour guide." My parents nod to the suggestion. Eventually I zone out of the conversation and go into my own thoughts after we order our food. I probably should keep what I'm eating to a minimum. I want to be a light as possible for my stage in two days. I already lost 20 pounds since last week so I need to keep my weight off. "Right love?" I look up and I notice everyone is staring at me. "Huh? I'm sorry I was thinking...what were you saying?"

"Are you alright? You're looking faint, do you need some water?" My mom asks and I shake my head. "No I'm fine really guys, I was just uh preoccupied thinking about my performance." Felix rubs my thigh. "Are you still worried about that? You'll do amazing love. I was just raving to your parents about how hard you've been working." "Yeah she's actually gotten really disciplined, I admire her work ethic." Jisung says and my dad smiles. "Yes I've listened to the album, it's actually really dope." Khi starts laughing and his laugh is contagious so Jisung and I start laughing not long afterwards.


"Mina I'm surprised you didn't order any dessert. She always wants dessert." My mom says condescendingly. "Well I've been watching my weight so..." She hums eyeing me. "I can see that...how much have you lost since you've been here?" Jisung and Khi start to look uncomfortable. "Mom maybe we should change the subject..." Jisung suggests laughing nervously. "No it's okay, I knew it would come up eventually. To answer your question 70 pounds." Khi spits out his drink and my dad raises his eyebrows in surprise.

"70 pounds?! That's a lot Mina!" Everyone is staring at me concerned. "Well I'm proud that you've finally been able to keep your weight down, good girl."


Felix and I walk into my apartment to be greeted by Pluto. "Urm love I know I might regret bringing this up but we need to talk about dinner." I pick Pluto up and I sit on my couch. "About how much weight I've lost? Most of it was naturally lost, just the last 20 pounds I lost recently because I've been on a liquid diet per JYP's request." He sighs sitting down. "I'm trying to say this as delicately as possible but Mina you really need to eat something. You're always beautiful and it shouldn't matter how much you weigh. With your body type it makes sense for you to have a little more weight than girls around here. Promise me you'll not lose anymore weight."

I feel myself tearing up. "I'm sorry it's just I haven't weighed this much since middle school. My mom always pressured me to be smaller and would always make me feel bad about how much I weighed. I know she meant well but...now I don't even know what a good weight for me is. I don't want to look sickly or anything so I won't lose anymore weight. I think I'll work on loving myself again..." He wraps his arms around me as I cry into his chest. "It'll be okay love, you'll get through this."

He wipes my tears and Pluto hops down from my lap and goes off to his bed. "Mina...I think that we should take a break. You should focus on your health and getting better okay love?" I feel like crying all over again. "You...you're breaking up with me??" He starts to tear up. "No no, just a break love...just so you can take time for yourself."I pull away from him crying harder now. "...well I'll be going to bed. Goodnight Felix." I get up and go to my room ignoring his calls.

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