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"Your stage is today, come on get up." BamBam is dragging me out of bed. "I don't want to do it anymore, I feel sick." I go into my bathroom and I put my hair in a messy bun and I put my headband on. I look in the mirror and I honestly look dreadful. "Oh gosh I look like how I feel..." BamBam rolls his eyes. "Mina you will get yourself together so you can be your best for this afternoon. Rehearsal is in a little more than an hour and you need to look alive!"

I start my skincare routine deciding BamBam is right. "Okay...I just don't know if I can handle seeing him Bammie, I have to because I don't want my parents suspecting anything." I sigh applying my face mask. "I'll be there for you for support. Don't worry too much about it, just let me handle everything."


We arrive to the venue and I start to feel anxious. I'm quickly led backstage where I'm prepped and prepared for rehearsal. I do what I gotta do on stage and I go back in my dressing room. "Are you ready for your hair and makeup to get done?"

10 minutes before performance

I'm waiting in my dressing room playing on my phone when I hear a knock at the door. "Come in." I mumble concentrating on the storyline of my Kim Kardashian game. "You look amazing! I love the white hair." I almost drop my phone hearing that all too familiar deep voice. "Oh....hi Felix." His smile falters a bit. "Urm right...well uh these are for you. I'll just leave them here." He sets down the bouquet of flowers on the vanity. "...thanks. I have to prepare to be on stage soon so..." He frowns. "Are you...Mina I—" "It's time!" The stage crew ushers me out the dressing room leaving behind a frowning Felix.

Two weeks later~

I get home and I feed Pluto. "How's mommy's big baby? You are the cutest puppy ever yes you are!" He barks happily jumping on my legs as I set down his food. I go to the fridge to find nothing but a leftover smoothie from this morning and some milkis. I sigh grabbing the smoothie and I shake it up. My pocket vibrates notifying me of a text message.

☀️👑: I'm starting to feel like you're avoiding me lately...I miss you

I leave it on read and I open up postmates and I order myself dinner. I receive another text not too long after.

☀️👑: Ouch...can we talk? We really need to talk

-I think you've said enough when you broke up with me. Please just leave me alone Felix

☀️👑: Mina I said we should take a break not break up 😑
-Is there much a difference?🤔

☀️👑: Mina...I wouldn't end our relationship so abruptly. I honestly think that you need to focus on loving yourself. I didn't think you would start avoiding me.

-...okay thank you for letting me know. Goodnight...

☀️👑: You're not going to sleep this early, it's only 8 o'clock...you're avoiding me even in texting ughhhh Mina

☀️👑 would like to FaceTime...

"You are very persistent...what is it now Felix." I hear him groan. "Mina I don't appreciate your attitude, I think it's uncalled for. You still haven't told me why you're avoiding me." I feel butterflies erupt in my stomach hearing his deep voice. "...Well honestly because I can't deal with seeing you. I'm literally in love with you and I don't think I can get over not being able to do romantic things with you. Like just talking to you makes me want to cry."

"I don't want you to get over me, I love you Mina. I don't think this break is working at all. Chan has been yelling at me during practice because all my thoughts revolve around you. Can I come over?" I wipe my eyes and nod. "Yeah you can come over, I'll leave the door unlocked."


"I missed you...you know I wouldn't hurt you intentionally. I keep messing up with you, I just want you to be happy." I'm laying on Felix's lap looking up at him while he plays in my hair. "It's not totally your fault, it's my fault too. I wish my anxiety didn't make me make such stupid decisions but being an idol now just makes it worse. But I missed you too, it's like all cloudy days and rain when my sunshine is gone." He chuckles softly caressing my cheek gently. "You're so cute, you know what would make you even cuter?" I raise an eyebrow as he pulls a small box out his hoodie pocket. "I got you this promise ring, it has a sunstone and a moonstone. By giving it to you I promise that I'll never leave you and I'll support you. You're my moonlight, I need you." He slips it on my finger and I sit up from laying on his lap. "It's beautiful...I was lowkey nervous for a second, I thought you were about to propose."

"Eventually yes but we've got a long way to go. We're still young and learning about each other. I'd love to see you walking down the aisle though." I laugh softly thinking about what he's saying. "The only aisle you'll see me walking down is a grocery store aisle." The doorbell rings and I smile. "Food is here!"


"Sooo...you two are back together? I mean to say I knew avoiding him wouldn't last would just be...oh I don't know like obvious. You two are inseparable, see I can't wait for this to go public. It's been a year already I don't see why not." Jinyoung says sitting across from me while we eat lunch together. "Well I'm not sure if it's a good idea, my fan base is growing and Felix is a bit more established. I don't want people thinking it's for publicity you know? He gave me a promise ring see." I show him my ring and he admires it. "It's really pretty, it suits your relationship. You know you should get some female friends, fans love starting rumors when they see idols of opposite sex hanging out." I shrug. "I think you're right, I was hanging out with Yugyeom and they thought we were dating. I'll try reaching out I guess."

Sunstone🌞: I know you probably don't care but I JUST BEAT KHI IN FORTNITE!! Sorry I'm just so happy and you're the first person I wanted to tell😆

                 -You're so cute 🥰🥰🥰! I'm happy for you baby, my man is a winner😘

Sunstone🌞: Are you still coming over tonight? Chan wanted me to make sure you were coming to game night.

             -You got that right! I will defend my title in Mario Kart, we all know I'm the queen 😌🥰

Sunstone🌞: ...yeah okay keep that energy when I win okay?
- 🤡 like you'd beat me lol

"Texting your boyfriend?" Jinyoung says looking amused. "Yeahhhh he thinks he can beat me in Mario Kart, what a joke." He shakes his head. "Like I said inseparable, even when you're far apart."

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