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"Do we have to be here Jisung? I don't want to invite him anyways. He's a prick!" Jisung rolls his eyes and knocks on the door anyways. "He's our brother and it'd be rude not to invite him. Just be civil okay?" I sigh and cross my arms. "Whatever but we missed our flights for this?! Everyone else left and we had to drive to California just to invite someone who doesn't want to be there to my wedding." We hear the locks turn on the door and it opens to reveal our older brother. "Wow I never thought I'd see you in person again. Welcome to my humble abode, come in."

We walk inside into what seems to be his living room and right away I notice the display of my albums and Stray Kids albums by a CD player. I raise an eyebrow and point to the display. "Do you...collect our albums and photocards?" He nods and smiles and goes into his kitchen. "Oh of course, I love you guy's music. I like to support you in any way I can, that's why I buy the albums instead of asking for complimentary ones. Do you still like Arnold Palmers?" He brings out a tray of drinks and sets it out on his coffee table.

"Yes...well we have a flight to catch so I'll
make this quick. You have an invitation to my wedding if you'd bother to show up." He takes the invitation. "Oh you found someone who can put up with you. What's he like off screen?" I find myself rolling my eyes and Jisung smiles awkwardly. "He's lovely, well we ought to be going." Jisung shakes his head. "Come on Mina, we allotted an hour to be here. Give him a chance, he's only trying and he's a fan of yours. Give your fan service!" I take a deep breath and sigh.

"I actually am a really big fan, I have every album and single downloaded and I got the physical versions plus every photocard. I trade people online sometimes." I raise an eyebrow. "Huh...favorite song then?" He purses his lips. "That's a hard question but I really like your debut song. But your first album title track Moonlit Kingdom about you being very important yet overlooked but you hold the strings to control everything. The remix with Jackson is actually really good, I heard rumors that he has a soft spot for you."

Jisung smirks and I can't wipe the surprise off my face. "Oh wow...you really do listen to my music. So you'd be happy to know my album comes out in 2 months. Jisung is a feature on it." "Woah really? I'm excited, I'll have to preorder!"


"See it wasn't so bad now was it?" Jisung asks as we walk down the street downtown. "Yeah sorta, weird definitely. I'm glad I got it over with that's for sure. I miss Felix, I want to call him." I pull out my phone and I press his contact. The phone rings as we cross the street. I see a car coming about to hit Jisung and I push out the way before feeling the impact of the car hitting me instead.


Mina pushes me onto the sidewalk before getting hit with a car. She lays on the ground unconscious and I hear a sleepy Felix asking what's going on. I rush over to her and I feel my heart sink along with the feeling of wanting to throw up. "Somebody help! My sister is hurt!" I pick up her phone which is surprisingly okay. "Felix Mina just g-got h-hit by a car!" The driver gets out the car and looks frantic. It's a girl who is about my age and she seems scared.

"Oh no I'll call 911!! I didn't mean to hit her, I'm so sorry!!" She pulls out her phone dialing 911 and starts stating her emergency. "Wait did you say that Mina just got hit by a car?! Where are you guys?! Is she conscious??" Felix no longer sounds sleepy but wide awake and alert. "No but an ambulance is on it's way. This is all my fault, I should've never made her come here! I'm so sorry!" The song of the ambulance rings in the air and the EMT medics start checking her out.


"She'll be fine, she has a broken arm and sprained ankle. She is showing signs of slight amnesia but it should wear off in a few weeks. You can go and see her now." I thank the doctor and I  go inside her hospital room. "Jisung! Thank goodness it's you, I was starting to think that I was in Seoul all alone. So was I hit on the way to your dorm?" My mouth slacks and I don't know if I should scream or cry. "Well actually we're in LA and you were hit crossing the street while we were shopping for souvenirs."

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