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"So tell us Mina, what is the title track of your album about?" Big Matthew from Kard is interviewing me. "Well it's about how day and night might be polar opposites but you can't have one without the other. The moon is most beautiful at night although it exists during the day and how the sun must set for moon to rise." He nods. "It sounds like a love story, like from personal experience. I've heard that you have a boyfriend." He wiggles his eyebrows.

"Ahh of course I do, it's hard to stay single when you have so many attractive guy friends." Every one in the audience laughs. "I can imagine, are you going to tell us who it is? Let me guess...is it Bang Chan? I was reading up on your ideal type and he fits." I can't help but laugh. "Were you hoping to fit my ideal type? But no he's just my good friend though. He helped produce my album. Everyone thinks that though, either Channie or BamBam."

"Well you're very beautiful of course I'd be looking if you'd possibly be interested. Am I close with guessing someone in Stray Kids?" I shrug teasingly. "Maybe, maybe not." He groans. "Come on Mina, give us something." The audience nags in agreement. "Let me call him and see what he says. He should be watching our dog." I pull out my phone and I press Felix's contact. "Oi! That's for Mina stop Jisung! Oh hello love, I thought you were in an interview." I start laughing nervously. "I am but uhhh they want to know who you are and I wanted to know how you feel about it. Is that okay with you?" The audience perks up.

"Wow really? I mean it's been a little over a year, why not? It beats writing an official statement. Chan don't..." I hear a sound like glass breaking in the background. "Urrrmm love is that vase in your living room replaceable?" I sigh. "Not really, it was a gift from my mom. Why, who broke it?" I hear commotion coming from the other end of the line. "Chan and Jisung being irresponsible, I'll try to replace it. Call me later, yeah?" "Yeahhhh okay I'll call you later, I love you now say it back." He laughs cutely. "I love you more! Now tell the world!"

"Sooo my boyfriend said tell the world who loves me and I will." The audience laughs and cheers. "The anticipation is killing me! Who is it ?!" I giggle a bit knowing everyone is about to go crazy. "My boyfriend is Lee Felix. I actually thought people would get that we were dating when I added 'Oi Felix, here's your ramen bro' to my Instagram bio." The audience murmurs and cheers excitedly.


"I can explain! So I was playing with Pluto and I accidentally threw the ball too hard and hit hit the vase. Jisung tried to catch it but...yeah I'm really sorry!" Chris says and I cross my arms. "You know my mom gave me that vase...although it's irreplaceable I forgive you. Accidents happen." I pat his shoulder and I make my way into my kitchen. "Wait so you're not mad? I thought you'd yell at me or something." I look at the cookies Felix made me and the note he left. "Look Chris, I know you already have enough stress on you as it is. I'm not going to add being mad at you to the list. Plus you you know things happen. Here have a cookie, Felix makes really great cookies."

He takes the cookie from me but frowns. "Thank you...may I ask you something?" I sit on my couch and I pat the spot next to me. "I'm all ears." He sits next to me and sighs. "You suffer from a depression and anxiety disorder but you never seem like it. How do you do it? How do you keep it all together with all the negative things people say about you?" I raise my eyebrows in surprise. "Hmmmm well for one I practice mindfulness and I go to therapy often. I honestly got so great at pretending everything was alright for so long I fooled myself. My parents never let me take medication so I always had to have outlets. Do you need an outlet?Are antis bothering you? If they are, I understand how it feels."

He starts tearing up and I wrap my arms around him and I let him cry. "They just attack me for no reason and I get so tired of it. I feel so stressed that I barely sleep...I worry about my group member because I'm the leader and I'm supposed to be strong. I just feel weak..." I rub his back consolingly. "Chris I know what it's like but don't feed into them. You're probably one of the most amazing and kind hearted people I know. You work hard and we all see your efforts, real STAYs know and love you. Keep up your great work, I'm rooting for you." He hugs me back and then sits up and wipes his face. I hand him a tissue off my coffee table. "Thank you Mina, you're a beautiful person. I can see why Jisung looks up to you so much."

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