IzuOcha 1st date

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Since the first day of UA Izuku Midoriya liked Ochako Uraraka, and Izuku really wants to ask Ochako on a date, but he is too nervous.

"Come on Midoriya, you can do it," said Eijiro Kirishima.

"I can't, what if she says no," said Izuku.

"What are you losers mumbling about," said Bakugou as his usual angry self.

"Midoriya is going to ask Uraraka on a date," said Kririshima.

"Kririshima no," said Izuku.

"Wow, of course you will ask for help, Deku," said Bakugou.

"What do you mean about that," asked Kririshima.

"Kacchan don't say," said Izuku.

"He never ask anyone on a date," said Bakugou.

"Wait really," said Kririshima.

"Yes, that's why I was trying to find advice," said Izuku.

"Well if he can't do it the, he will never do it now," said Bakugou.

Then something in Izuku clicked.

He got up and started walking to Ochako.

"Oh hi Deku," said Ochako with a smile.

"Uraraka, would you like to, I mean wait that's what I mean, Oh man," said Izuku.

"Um Deku are you asking me out," said Ochako blushing.

"Um y-yes," said Izuku.

Ochako smiled.

"Yes Deku, I will go on a date with you," said Ochako.

"Great, see you tonight," said Izuku.

"Ok, see you," said Ochako.

Izuku ran to his room.

Kririshima looked at Bakugou.

"What dumb hair," said Bakugou.

"Midoriya prove you wrong," said Kririshima.

Bakugou ignored him and walked to his room.

Later that day.

Ochako was looking in her closet.

She didn't really have anything to wear.

But then she found the perfect thing.

She changed into it then she heard a knock on her door

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She changed into it then she heard a knock on her door.

She opened it and saw Izuku.

She blushed when she saw him.

Izuku also blushed when he saw Ochako

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Izuku also blushed when he saw Ochako.

"Ready to go," said Izuku.

"Yep," said Ochako.

They walked out of the school and kept on walking.

"So what are we doing today," asked Ochako.

"Oh we are going to the movies," answered Izuku.

"Oo fun," said Ochako.

They kept walk then they reached the movie theater.

Izuku got the tickets and he and Ochako went in.

While getting their snacks. They saw two familiar faces.

It was Eri and Ms Joke.

"Eri, Ms Joke," said Izuku.

Eri and Ms Joke turned around and look at them.

"Hi Deku," said Eri while running to Izuku to hug him.

"What are you two here," asked Ms Joke.

"Oh Me and Deku are here on a, I mean to see a movie," said Ochako.

"So a date, right," said Emi.

"Yes," said Ochako.

"So what are guys doing here," asked Izuku.

"Oh Eraser told me that Eri never been to the Movie Theater, so I offered to take her," said Emi.

"Oh you must be excited Eri," said Ochako.

"Yep," said Eri.

"Well our movie is about to start, see you two at school," said Emi.

"Bye Deku, Bye Ochako," said Eri.

They wave goodbye.

They got their snacks and walked to see their movie.

There were moments where Ochako would put her head on Izuku shoulder and Izuku would blush like crazy.

Then he decided to put his arm around Ochako and then she would blush like crazy.

At the end of the movie, they throw away their trash and they were walking back to school.

But then Ochako stopped walking.

Izuku noticed and stopped walking.

"Is something wrong, Uraraka," asked Izuku.

"Deku, I like you like really like you for a long time," answered Ochako.

"I like you too, Ochako ever since you saved me from falling twice during the entrance exam," said Izuku.

Ochako grabbed Izuku's face and kissed him.

Right away Izuku kissed back.

They needed air so they broke apart.

"I think I love you Deku," said Ochako.

"Izuku," said Izuku.

"What," said Ochako.

"You can call me Izuku, because I love you," said Izuku.

Ochako kissed Izuku again.

"I love you, Izuku Midoriya," said Ochako.

"And I love you Ochako Uraraka," said Izuku.

They continue to walk back to the class and to be honest Mina Ashido was very happy for them.

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