Electric Music

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Denki Kaminari has always had feelings for Kyōka Jirō.

But he never knew how to tell her.

One day Katsuki Bakugou noticed Denki looking at Jirō.

"You have something for weird ears," asked Bakugou as his usual angry self.

"What no I don't," said Denki blushing like crazy.

"Your blushing idiot," said Bakugou.

"Ok what if you're right, it's not like I have a chance with her," said Denki.

Bakugou growled and took out his phone and pulled up a picture of a him next to a girl.

"Who is that girl next to you, wait I seen her before," asked Denki.

"No it wasn't at the licensing exam," said Bakugou.

"But she looks just like her," said Denki.

"That was a villain disguise as her and that girl's name is Camie Utsushimi and she is my girlfriend," said Bakugou.

"Wait what," said Denki.

"If I can get a girl like her, you can get a girl like weird ears and you better not tell anyone about Camie," said Bakugou.

"I swear I won't tell anyone," said Denki.

Bakugou started to walk away.

Later that day...

Denki was walking to his room and kept thinking about what Bakugou said.

Then it hits him.

Denki walked to Jirō's room.

He knocked on the door.

Jirō opened it.

"Kaminari," said Jirō.

"Hey Jirō, can I come in I need to talk to you," said Denki.

"Alright, but don't do anything weird," said Jirō.

Denki came in and sat on Jirō desk chair.

"So what is it," asked Jirō.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to go hang out some time," asked Denki.

"Aren't we hanging out now," asked Jirō.

"No I mean we been kinda hanging out for awhile now and I need to finally get it out that um," said Denki.

Jirō eyes no longer had annoyed eyes but instead a passion look.

"I like you and I don't know if you like me too," said Denki.

Denki put his hands on his face.

Jirō take his hands off his face and put pull his face towards her.

And kissed him.

Denki was shocked at first but kissed back.

When they needed oxygen they broke apart.

"I like you too Kaminari," said Jirō.

"Denki," said Denki.

"What," said Jirō.

"My name is Denki and that's what I want you to call me," said Denki.

Jirō smiled.

"Then I want you to call me Kyōka," said Kyōka.

"I like you Kyōka Jirō," said Denki.

"And I like you Denki Kaminari," said Kyōka.

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