Artiste wants something

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For mailleur_maker on Tiktok.

I saw another of her Tik Toks and got inspired to write another chapter.

Hina Tsukuru (Pro Hero: Artiste)

Shota Aizawa aka Eraserhead had asked Artiste to take care of Eri today while he and Emi Fukukado aka Ms Joke were on a date.

Artiste let Eri used the art supplies and Eri created so many beautiful art.

Artiste loved being around Eri.

She loves the idea of becoming a mother.

At the end of the day Emi came to pick up Eri.

"Hi Hina. Hi Eri," said Emi while she walked into the classroom.

"Hi Emi," said Artiste.

Eri quickly washed her hands and then run to Emi.

"Hi Mama," said Eri.

Emi picked up Eri.

"Thanks again Hina. For watching Eri," said Emi.

"It's no problem. Eri is very sweet," said Artiste.

"Well we have to get going. See you next week for drinks with Midnight," said Emi.

"You know it," said Artiste.

"Bye Artiste," said Eri.

"Bye Emi. Bye Eri," said Artiste.

Once Emi closed the door.

Artiste was thinking about Eri and how great kids are.

Then an idea popped in her head.

She quickly cleaned up her classroom and get her stuff together.

She ran home.

(She is living with Taishiro Toyomitsu aka Fat Gum)

She comes in and locks the front door.

"Taishiro are you home," yells Artiste.

"I am. I'm in our bedroom," said Fat Gum.

Artiste runs upstairs.

She literally kicks the door open.

"Taishiro! I WANT A BABY!" Says Artiste after coming in.

"Wait now," asked Fat Gum.

"Yes now," said Artiste.

After Artiste cooled down a bit.

Fat Gum talked to Artiste.

She understand but still a little upset.

The next day...

Artiste just come home from teaching.

"Taishiro. I'm home," says Artiste.

She then hears a bark.

She goes to their room and opens the door.

To see Taishiro with a dog in his arms.

Artiste starts to cry.

"I know you wanted a baby, but we need to take things slow so here's a dog," said Fat Gum.

"I love you. Thank you," said Artiste.

"I love you too," said Fat Gum.

In the end Artiste became a dog mom.

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