An unexpected meeting

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Emi just came by the dorms to pick up  Eri but ended up chasing after her after telling her she made apple pie.

Emi finally caught up to Eri.

"Eri you can't just go run off like that," said Emi.

"I'm sorry Mama," said Eri.

"It's okay Eri, just don't do it again," said Emi.

"Okay," said Eri.

Emi hold Eri's hand was about to continue walking to the apartment.

Then she someone.

"Joke," said a female voice.

Emi turned to see who talked it was Shino Sosaki aka Mandalay from the Wild, Wild Pussycats. She was next to a little boy which is her cousin's son Kota Izumi.

"Mandalay," said Emi.

Emi and Eri walked closer to them.

"So good to see you Emi, say hi Kota," said Mandalay.

"Hi," said Kota.

"Its good to see you too, Hello Kota, say hi Eri," said Emi.

"Hello," said Eri nervously.

"So what are you doing here," asked Emi.

"Oh I just wanted to see if its true if you and Aizawa are engaged and not making a joke and I also heard that you two have a daughter which I can see thats true and I'm also here to see how the students are doing and Kota wanted to come to see Midoriya," said Mandalay.

"You know Deku," said Eri.

"Yes, He saved me," said Kota.

"He saved me too," said Eri with a smile.

Kota smiled back.

"Yes, me and Shota are together," said Emi while showing Mandalay her ring.

"Oh its so beautiful," said Mandalay.

"Thank you. Oh Shino, I should tell you, my class is also in the same dorms as Class 2-A so don't get confused," said Emi.

"I won't," said Shino.

"Well we better get see you around. Say bye Eri," said Emi.

"Bye Shino. Bye Kota," said Eri

"Alright bye. Say goodbye Kota," said Shino.

"Bye," said Kota.

Emi and Eri continue to walk to the apartment and finally arrived and had dinner and talk with Shota and told him their day.

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