Miss Councilor knows

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(This will not be canon to my story)

(This is just for fun)

Miss Councilor belongs to morallygreyismyfavcolor on tiktok

Artiste belongs to
mailleur_maker on tik tok

《Now on to the story》

Cece aka Miss Councilor POV

I was walking to my office after looking for more "helpful drink".

Then I over hear Tenya Iida and Mei Hatsume talking.

"Please Iida. Have my babies," said Mei Hatsume.

I was shocked and was kinda laughing.

I know that Mei Hatsume calls her inventions her babies.

But did she have to phrase it like that.

"No Mei I don't want your inventions. But I do want to know if you ate today," said Iida.

Thats when I remember. In Hatsume's file it says that she would sometimes skip meals and don't sleep.

"Yes Iida I ate the food you made me. Thanks for that it was very delicious," said Hatsume.

I was shocked. Tenya Iida was cooking for Mei Hatsume.

Does Tenya Iida like Mei Hatsume?

"It's my pleasure Hatsume. You shouldn't skip meals or sleep. Please take care of yourself," said Iida.

"I will Iida. Bye," said Hatsume.

"Good day Hatsume," said Iida.

I saw Iida's face he was smiling.

I knew I needed to tell someone.

I ran to Hina Tsukuru aka Artiste office.

"HINA!" I said while opening the door.

"Oh hi Cece," said Hina.

"I have big news," I said.

"What is it," asked Hina.

"I think Tenya Iida likes Mei Hatsume," I said.

"I think you're right," said Hina.

"What do you mean," I asked.

"Let me tell you about todays art project," said Hina.
Hina Tsukuru aka Artiste POV

It was the beginning of class and I was very excited to talk about this project.

"Okay everyone. Today's project is to draw things related to someone. Don't draw them. But draw things that remind you of them," I said.

"So we can draw anyone," asked Ochako Uraraka.

"Correct. You don't have to tell me who you are drawing if you don't want to. Have fun," I said.

After class. After everyone left.

I was looking around the class to make sure they didn't forget anything.

Then I see one of the drawings.

Tenya Iida signed it so it must be his.

It had a chocolate bar. Some tools used to invent things and wielding goggles that looks like Mei Hatsume's goggles.

I immediately knew who Tenya Iida picked.
Cece aka Miss Councilor POV

Hina handed me the drawing.

I couldn't believe this proves that Iida likes Hatsume.

"How did you find out," asked Hina.

"I was walking by Iida and Hatsume. When I over heard them. Iida has been making food for Hatsume. Because she would skip her meals," I said.

"Wow he must really care about her," said Hina.

"Yeah," I said.

My eyes lit up.

"I got an idea," I said.

"What is it," said Hina.

"Just you wait," I said while leaving her office.

The next day. I schedule a meeting with Hatsume.

I was in my office then Hatsume came in.

"Um Miss Councilor. You wanted to see me," said Hatsume.

"Ahh yes. Hatsume. Please have a seat," I said.

She sits down.

Just to say. Yes I drank a lot of "Helpful drink".

"I just wanted to see if you are getting enough sleep and eating all 3 meals," I said.

"Um yes I am. Tenya Iida has been helping me with that," said Hatsume.

"You must really like how he looks out for you," I said.

"Yes I do. He makes me happy," said Hatsume.

"It sounds like you like him," I said.

"What? No it's not like that. Sure he's kind and sweet and makes sure I get food and plenty of sleep and make sure I'm clean. And he is kinda cute," said Hatsume.

Then her eyes widened.

"Oh my gosh. I like Iida," said Hatsume.

I smiled.

"And I think he likes you too," I said.

"How would you know," asked Hatsume.

I take out the drawing and give it to her.

She looks at it.

"This is a art project that Iida did. He had to pick someone to draw but draw things that reminded him of that person," I said.

"He picked me," said Hatsume.

"Yes he did," I said.

"I have to go find Iida. Thank you for showing me this," said Hatsume.

She walked out the door.

I smiled to myself. I can't wait to tell Tensei about this.
Mei Hatsume POV

I was looking everywhere for Iida when I finally found him.

He was outside on a bench reading a book.

"Iida," I said.

"Oh hello Hatsume," said Iida.

"Iida I have to tell you something," I said.

"What is it," asked Iida.

"Today I realized something. I like you Iida. Like. Like like you," I said.

"Hatsume," said Iida.

"And I know you feel the same way," I said while giving him his drawing.

"Hatsume. Yes I do like you too. I've been to nervous to ask you on a date," said Iida.

I smiled.

"Mei," I said.

"What," said Iida.

"Call me Mei," I said.

While pulling him down and kissing him.

He immediately kissed back.
Cece aka Miss Councilor

I was hiding behind a corner. Watching this going on.

When they kissed i started celebrating.

I'm so happy for them.

And I'm happy that Hatsume didn't tell Iida about me giving her his drawing.

Today has been a good day. And I can't wait to tell Tensei about it.

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