Watching Eri

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Set before Eri calling Emi Fukukado mom.

"Emi I have to go on patrol can you watch Eri," asked Shota.

"I will love too," said Emi.

Eri came out of her room at this time.

"Eri, I need to go on patrol but Emi will be watching you tonight," said Shota.

"Okay Dad," said Eri.

Then Eri saw Emi.

"Hi Emi," said Eri while running to her and hugging her.

Emi picked her up.

"Hi Eri," said Emi.

"I have to get going both of you better behave," said Shota.

"We will," said Emi with a smile.

"Bye Dad," said Eri.

"Bye," said Shota.

Once Shota closed the door, Emi looked at Eri.

"So Eri do you want to watch a movie," asked Eri.

"Yes please," said Eri.

"How about we watch The Aristocats," asked Emi.

"What's that," asked Eri.

"It's a disney movie about Kitty Cats," answered Emi.

"Okay, Lets watch that," said Eri.

"I will make some popcorn and we can watch it," said Emi.

Eri smiled and went to sit on the couch.

Emi made the popcorn and put it in a bowl and brought it over to the couch.

Emi put on The Aristocats.

While watching it Eri fell asleep and after awhile Emi fell asleep.

Some time later.

Shota got home and found Emi and Eri asleep on the couch. Emi had her arms around Eri all motherly.

He didn't want to wake them so he just put a blanket over them.

He went to change into his pajamas and came back to sleep with them.

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