The TRUTH is finally out.

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There lay Hawks on a Hospital bed.

He was just told that his wings will grow back in a month.

After the doctor left the Commission came into the room.

"Hawks you did your job once you are fully recovered you will go back into the field," said the president of the Comission.

"No," says Hawks.

"What did you just say," said the President of the Commission.

"I said no. You can't control me anymore the world will know about what kind of training you do on innocent kids," said Hawks.

"Oh how would you do that Hawks," asked the President of the Commission.

"With my help," said a voice.

It was Toshinori Yagi aka All Might.

"Hawks told me how the Commission works and since I know some people in the Police force and we have all the evidence against you to shut down your operation," said All Might.

Then some people officers came in and arrested the Commission people in the room.

"You will pay for this Hawks," said the Former President of the Commission.

"My name is not Hawks. It's Keigo Takami," said Keigo.

Then the Commission was taken out of the room.

"Thank you All Might. Thank you for setting me free," said Keigo.

"No thank you if you never send me the book with the secret message. I would have never known about what the Commission was doing," said All Might.

"You should go search the facilty and get those kids to a safe place," said Keigo.

"Rest easy. Takami," said All Might while leaving the room.

Keigo smiled to himself.

He was no longer Hawks.

He was Keigo Takami.

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