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(Yes I know its July but this chapter is very important to the story)


It's December 24.

Its Christmas Eve.

Class 2-A are having a Christmas party and yes Eri and her Mom and Dad
(Emi Fukukado aka Ms Joke and Shota Aizawa aka Eraserhead) will be there.

And yes Shino Sosa aka Mandalay and Kota will be there.

And yes Satsuki Asui will be there too.

Class 2-A has been just getting ready for the party.

The decorations were ready and mini presents were ready too. And now they are getting ready the food.

Emi was just in the kitchen she hasn't been feeling well for some reason.

She throw up this morning.

Emi decided just to ignore it.

Emi decided to get dressed for the party.

She walked into her room and started putting on a red dress.

But when she tried to zip it up it couldn't.

Shota came in.

"Thats strange," said Emi out loud.

"Is something wrong," asked Shota.

"This dress fit yesterday but now it doesn't," said Emi.

"That is strange," said Shota.

"I guess I should just wear a sweater," said Emi.

She changed into a red sweater and black pants and a white infinity scarf.

Eri is wearing a santa dress that she just loves so much.

Eri is wearing a santa dress that she just loves so much

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They met up with Shino and Kota.

And they walked over to the dorms.

Once they arrived the party started.

Eri, Satsuki and Kota, were sneaking near the desert table.

"Are you sure this is a good idea Eri," asked Satsuki.

"Yeah shouldn't we ask first," said Kota.

"It's fine it's just one cookie," said Eri.

"Eri get away from the desert table," said Emi.

"How did she know," said Eri.

Eri, Satsuki and Kota walked away from the desert table sadly.

Then Toshinori Yagi aka All Might called them over.

He secretly gave them a cookie each.

Emi came up behind him.

"All Might," said Emi.

"Hey I'm like their grandpa figure," said Toshinori.

"Fine just because its Christmas," said Emi.

Emi walked over to Shino to talk.

Shino had a strong smelling candy cane and Emi gag from the smell.

"Are you okay Emi," asked Shino.

"I don't know I've been hating the smell of peppermint and mint," said Emi.

"Really," said Shino.

"Yeah, and that's not the only thing I throw up in the morning and I've been having a sudden craving for things and I was going to wear a dress tonight, but it weirdly didn't fit," said Emi.

"Um Emi I think you might be pregnant," said Shino.

"What," said Emi.

At that moment Recovery Girl was actually nearby and over heard.

"Um Ms Joke, I'm sorry for over hearing, but I know a way you can know if you are without anyone knowing is actually with me," said Recovery Girl.

Then took out a device.

"I brought this by accident, but it can do a invisible scan to see if you are expecting," said Recovery Girl.

Recovery Girl start the scan and looked at the results.

"Well I guess I should say congratulations, you're expecting. You are 4 months pregnant," said Recovery Girl.

Recovery Girl just walked away. And Emi just stand there shocked.

"Um Emi are you okay," asked Shino.

"Um yeah I'm just going to go outside to get some air," said Emi.

Emi went through a door and stand outside to process the information.

"Emi," said a voice.

Emi turn around to see Shota.

"Oh Shota hey," said Emi.

"Is everything alright," asked Shota.

"Um we might need to reschedule the wedding," said Emi.

"What? Why would yo-," said Shota.

"I'm pregnant," said Emi.

"What," said Shota.

"Um I'm pregnant and I just found out," said Emi.

Shota hugged Emi.

"Emi you don't need to worry we have 7 months intill the wedding," said Shota.

"So you're happy about them," said Emi.

"Why wouldn't I be," said Shota.

Emi kissed Shota.

And this was another step forward to their happily Ever After.

They went back inside and continue to celebrate Christmas.

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