Grocery Store

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Emi and Eri went to the Grocery Store to get more stuff to make food.

Eri saw something and walked away from Emi for a second and didn't tell her.

But Eri walked away to far.

Now she was lost in the Grocery Store.

Then a women with green hair saw her.

"Excuse me but are you lost," asked the women.

"Um yes I saw something cool and didn't tell my mama," said Eri.

"Well I will help you look for her. What's your name?" Asked the women.

"Eri," said Eri.

"Well my name is Inko Midoriya," said Inko.

"Midoriya thats like Deku's name," said Eri.

Then Inko was about to say something but Emi came running to them.

"There you are Eri you shouldn't go off like that," said Emi.

"I'm sorry Mama," said Eri.

"It's okay," said Emi.

"Hello I'm Inko Midoriya I found your daughter," said Inko.

"Wait Midoriya, oh your Izuku Midoriya's mother aren't you," said Emi.

"Yes I am how do you know my son," said Inko.

"I'm his teacher Emi Fukukado also known as Ms Joke," said Emi.

"Oh I didn't recognize you without your costume," said Inko.

"I'm grateful that I don't get recognized easily. But anyways we should get going. Nice meeting you. Say bye Eri," said Emi.

"Bye Ms Midoriya," said Eri.

"Bye Eri, bye Emi," said Inko.

"I will tell your son that I bumped into you, bye," said Emi.

Then Emi and Eri payed for their groceries and left home.

And yes Emi and Shota had to explain to Eri that she couldn't go running off somewhere.

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