The Copy and the Pony

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Neito Monoma just realized something he never did before.

He likes his classmate Pony Tsunotori.

His classmates helped him realized.

Lets talk about how that day happened.

It was at the 2-B dorms.

Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu noticed that Neito Monoma was staring at Pony Tsunotori and his girlfriend Itsuka Kendo.

He wanted to make sure he wasn't staring at Kendo.

"Hey Monoma. What are you looking at?" Asked Tetsutetsu.

"Oh nothing just thinking," said Monoma.

"Oh really thinking about what," asked Tetsutetsu with a kinda angry voice.

"It's not about Kendo, if you're thinking that," said Monoma.

"So you're thinking about Pony," said Tetsutetsu.

"Um no why would you say that," said Monoma with a blush.

"Wait do you like Pony Tsunotori," asked Tetsutetsu.

"Um I don't know," asked Monoma.

"I think you do, but let's test it. Does your heart seems to beat fast when you think about her or look at her or hear her talk," asked Tetsutetsu.

"Yes. It does," said Monoma.

"Well that proves it you like Pony," said Tetsutetsu.

"Um what I," said Monoma.

Then he got up and went to his dorm room.

Tetsutetsu smiled.

Later he told Kendo.

Monoma wasn't the only one who realized his feelings.

Pony also realized that she likes Monoma.

The same day she and Kendo was talking she kept on looking at Monoma.

"Hey Pony, you okay," asked Kendo.

"Um yes, why you ask," answered Pony.

"Well you keep keep looking at Monoma," said Kendo.

"Um no I don't, I mean," said Pony.

"Pony do you like Monoma," asked Kendo.

"Um no, well maybe. Yes," said Pony.

Kendo was shocked to find out that.

"I think you should ask him out," said Kendo.

"What no way I can't do that," said Pony.

"Why," asked Kendo.

"Because what if he says no," said Pony.

"You don't know if you don't try," said Kendo.

Later that night Pony went over to Monoma's room.

She knocked on his door.

Monoma opens it.

"Pony!" said Monoma shockley.

"Um hi Monoma. Can I ask you something," asked Pony.

"Um sure," said Monoma.

Monoma invited Pony inside his room.

"I was wondering if you would like to go out with me on Saturday," said Pony.

"Wait you like me too," said Monoma before putting his hand over his mouth.

"Wait you like me," asked Pony.

"Yes," said Monoma.

Pony was smiling very big.

"I was so afraid to ask you out because I was afraid you were going to say no," said Pony.

"Why would I say no. You're smart, Powerful and you're beautiful," said Monoma.

Pony smiled.

Then she grabbed Monoma's face and kissed him.

Monoma didn't waste a second. He  immediately kissed Pony back.

And thats how MonoPony started.

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