Birds & Snowflakes

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Fuyumi Todoroki was in her apartment looking at Hawk's feather and phone number.

Her dad said to be careful around Hawks.

But he was just being a dad.

"You know what screw it," said Fuyumi.

She grabbed her phone and called Hawks.

Hawks was on top of a building as a way to take a break from his patrols.

Then his phone ring.

He took it out and noticed that it was an unknown number.

He answered it.

Hawks: Hawks here.

Fuyumi: Hey Hawks it's Fuyumi Todoroki.

Hawks: Oh Fuyumi I never thought you were going to call.

Fuyumi: I was thinking about it mostly because my dad said to be careful around you.

Hawks: I can see that you have a protective Dad.

Fuyumi: Yeah it looks like it.

Hawks: Anyway I'm glad you called. I was wondering if you would like to have dinner with me.

Fuyumi: Um what.

Hawks: Would you like to have dinner with me.

Fuyumi: Sure but not in a restaurant mostly because I don't want paparazzi to see us and my dad finding out.

Hawks: Sure my place.

Fuyumi: Sure.

Hawks: How about Saturday I have the day off.

Fuyumi: Yes Saturday will do.

Hawks: Ok see you Saturday.

Fuyumi: Yeah see you Saturday.

Fuyumi started to jump up and down.

Hawks was trying to stay calm but in the inside he was jumping up and down like Fuyumi.


Fuyumi got dressed and walked outside.

Surprising Hawks was outside.

"Hey pretty lady," said Hawks

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"Hey pretty lady," said Hawks.

Fuyumi saw Hawks and smiled.

"Hi," said Fuyumi.

"Ready to go," said Hawks.

"Yep," said Fuyumi.

Fuyumi wrapped her arms around Hawks.

And Hawks took off and fly.

When they got to Hawk's apartment they didn't take the door they went through the balcony.

"So what are we eating," asked Fuyumi.

"Oyakodon and for dessert Ice Cream," said Hawks.

"That sound great," said Fuyumi.

Hawks guided Fuyumi to the dining table and pulled a seat out for her.

She sat down. Then Hawks brought out the food.

"This looks delicious," said Fuyumi

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"This looks delicious," said Fuyumi.

They ate but while eating Fuyumi was thinking about Hawks and about how she didn't know his name.

"Hey Hawks," said Fuyumi.

"Yes," said Hawks.

"What's your name," asked Fuyumi.

"Keigo. Keigo Takami," said Hawks.

"Why doesn't anyone know your name," asked Fuyumi.

"It's kinda hard to talk about," answered Keigo.

"Ok I understand," said Fuyumi.

After they ate Keigo suggested they watch a movie while eating the Ice Cream.

They finshed the ice cream and continue watching the movie.

Keigo stops watching the movie and stares at Fuyumi.

"Is everything alright Keigo," asked Fuyumi.

Keigo didn't answer he just put his hand on Fuyumi's face and kiss her.

Fuyumi was shocked for a second but kissed back.

And thats how Fuyumi Todoroki and Keigo Takami aka Hawks got together.

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