Chapter 1

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Selene and Geralt were once again traveling on the path when they heard news about Yennifer of Vengaburg. Selene looked over at Geralt and saw the way his ears perked up and she frowned. Lately the pair had become distant. They didn't talk as much and they clearly stopped sharing a bed. That was obvious to almost anyone who paid attention. Selene had put a stop it herself when she heard Geralt mumble the sorceress' name in his sleep. Her heart was heavy with the knowledge he may still have feelings for her.
"We should check it out." Selene looked at him. She wanted to say no, she wanted to continue traveling, fix what they had. But she knew it was long past that. "Right, I suppose we should." Geralt looked at her and frowned a bit. Her voice was detached of emotion. "Look, I know you two don't really like each other but if she's in trouble we need to help." Another crack formed in her heart. A heart that was already so fragile. "I wasn't saying we shouldn't..." he rolled his eyes. "Then why sound as if you don't care?"
Selene stopped walking this time. "Because Geralt Incase you forgot we don't like each other. We don't get along. Yet she's all you've spoken about lately." He blinked at the sudden hostile tone. "Sel, come on it's not the serious you know I-" "don't you dare finish that sentence! Don't you dare say you love me when you clearly mumble her name in your sleep. When we don't talk anymore. Hell You're like a stranger to me." His eyes widened and all of a sudden he looked down. "Sel...." "You don't get to call me that either. My name is Selene. Use it."
He finally looked at her and she could see the hurt. But knew this had to be done. Taking a deep breath she crossed her arms. "You need to pick." He looked at her confused. "I'm sorry what?" Selene looked at him, her silver eyes almost lifeless. "I said you need to pick. It's either we fix us. Or it's Yennifer." His eyes widened. "Selene! Why are you saying that?" "Because Geralt you love her! I can see that! I can't be the second choice here. I just can't. Face it the feelings between us, they're gone. We don't share a bed. We don't hug anymore. We don't do anything."
He frowned at this. "We can fix this." She shook her head. "You need to pick. Normally I would never put you through this, I would never make you pick. But your heart is torn. And I don't deserve that." Geralt looked at her, then the path that would lead him back to Yennifer. When he looked back at her Selene felt a small sense of hope. Maybe he would stay with her. But that hope was soon crushed as he shook his head. "I'm sorry Selene. I am. But I have to go to her." And just like that Selene's heart shattered into a million pieces. She took off the ring and simply put it into his hand.
"Then Geralt Of Rivia, this is goodbye. I hope you find what you need with her. I hope you live happy and get what I could never give you. I hope you two never fight or grow distant the way we did. And that you fight for her heart." He gulped, he knew his choice hurt her. Yet here she was wishing him happiness. She was to kind for her own good. "You as well Selene, I hope you find someone who loves you, who will love you and only you. Who won't let you go like I did. Who will fight for you. Goodbye Selene of Vesina. May we one day meet again." Selene nodded.
Her heart shattered, her soul in agony yet the two exchanged one last hug. A hug that was just a bit to tight. Before they pulled apart. Selene watched as he finally walked away. And not once did he look back, not once did he even consider it. She stood there, for how long she didn't know, but she did. By the time she started to move again she was numb. It was now dark and she needed to find shelter. Taking a deep breath she walked away heading towards Flotsam, hopefully there she could rent a room at the local inn.

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