Chapter 15

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Selene looked at Jaskier who stood up and carefully helped Selene to her feet. "He wasn't out long." "I know, maybe four hours tops. Not nearly long enough. But I forget he's an elf, my magic works differently on him." Selene nodded as Jaskier and Triss helped her to Iorveth's tent. "Is he mad at me?" "Why don't you come in here and ask me yourself Sele."
Selene let out a slow breath before letting go of Jaskier and Triss. "I got it. Ribs don't hurt too bad."
Yet before anyone could say anything else was a hand reaching out of the tent and pulling her in. Jaskier blinked and looked at Triss who just stared at the spot Selene had been. "Was he mad?" She shook her head. "He didn't seem mad, it was hard to tell. He definitely was shocked though. But let's go, this is private." And with that, they walked away.
Selene, however, ended up digging her nails into Iorveth's shoulders as she stumbled. "I'm sorry Sele, I forgot about the ribs." "It's fine, they're healing nicely." She finally looked up at him and stared right into his green eyes. "So, um are you mad?" Iorveth raised an eyebrow. "Because if you are I'm sorry. I wanted to do it while I had the strength, it left me a bit drained, and it was a gift, not to take pity or-" "shut up Sele." She blinked shocked. "Has anyone ever told you, you ramble when you're nervous?" She shook her head and he chuckled. "I am not mad. I was surprised though. I do need to ask why I was knocked out."
Selene rubbed her arm at this. "It would have hurt." "I can deal with pain." This time she raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Shall I remove the eye and then fix it so you can feel a new eye form along with it reconnecting to the nerves?" He shuddered. "Then there's the fact it actually bled at first, I had to clean that up. Then work on aging the eye so it was as strong as your right." He shuddered again. "Okay, never mind I am now suddenly glad you knocked me out." Selene smiled a bit.
"I thought so." "Next time just warn me." Now she raised both eyebrows. "I swear if there is a next time I'm going to slap-" however she never got to finish her sentence because the next thing she knew is he was kissing her. His hands moving to her hips, making sure he avoided her healing ribs. Selene blinked, completely taken off guard before she felt it again. That weird sensation in her stomach. And with that, she kissed him back. Her hands moving to his shoulders once more as he held her close.
"Thank you, Selene." He whispered after they pulled apart. Their foreheads touching as both tried to catch their breath. "Mhmm. But I'm serious Iorveth I better not have to re-grow any more limbs, bones or eyes." He chuckled before he kissed her forehead. "Never again. Now, you wanna tell me what's eating you alive, or do I have to play the waiting game?" Selene stared at him shocked. How did he know? "I don't mind waiting for Sele, but I would rather help you before it becomes too much for you to handle alone."
"How did you know?" He gave her a soft smile. "Really Sele? You've been with us for almost a year. I think I know how to read some of the signs. For example, exhaustion. The way you held yourself as you studied my eye. The way you avoided looking directly at me. Sele, I don't want you thinking you have to face this alone."
Selene touched the side of his face and he grabbed her hand bringing it to his lips and kissing it. "Let me in Sele." And with that, she told him about her conversation with Jaskier. Leaving out the I love you part, since that she was still unsure of.
"Hm, I see. Honestly, it's cute hearing you talk about it. But also painful because I know you know something but are unsure. So just trust yourself Sele, tell me when you can. Not when I want you too. The other reason this hurts is that I saw the pain you felt. And I felt helpless. The fact he was okay with letting you leave baffles me, almost as much as when I heard he slapped you." Now it was her turn to pale. "You know?" "Mhm, Eskel told me. He was trying not to but you know me." "Yeah, that's true." The two finally sat down on his bedroll as he held her close.
"The difference between Geralt and myself is this. He was okay with you leaving, you always said you needed space. And while at first, I'm sure he wasn't okay with it. He trusted you. Abused it too. The difference with me is, I'm afraid to let you be alone. Not because I think you'll hurt yourself. Because if you did and I found out, you can guarantee I'll be kicking your ass. I would be afraid you won't come back. That the loneliness you feel to often will kill you. It's also why I insist on the unit. One you'll put together yourself mind you."
Selene nodded. "I would come back Iorveth. I'll always come back. No matter how far I go. I'll come back." He gave her a soft smile at this. "I know, I trust you. I'm also hesitant because of how much you mean to me." Selene looked at him and he shook his head. "Not time yet Sele, soon though I promise." Selene nodded and laid her head against his shoulder. "I'm glad I went through this."
His eyes widened in shock. "I'm sorry what?" "I'm glad. In away. It brought me happiness in a place I never thought to look at. I wouldn't want to have that pain again. But knowing it somehow led me here, well I wouldn't change it." This Jade Iorveth smile, something he hid as he kissed her forehead. "I understand." "However." He raised an eyebrow. "However what Sele?" "I use to try to die. Early on mind you." Iorveth sighed as he flicked her. "Owe, what was that for?" "Wanting to die. I don't care how long ago. I never want to hear it again." She blinked before laughing.
"I'm serious Selene." She took a few minutes to calm down before she smiled. A smile that was his, her expression calm, a smile dancing along her lips. "I know." "Then why laugh?" Again the smile stayed. "Because now that I think back on it. I was stupid. So I laugh. It's a weird way of coping." Iorveth listened to what she said and chuckled. "Ah, I get it now." "Good." They were silent for a moment. Each content to sit in the others embrace. "So Sele, you ready for your mark?"

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