Chapter 4

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Motta was now inside the tent, she had gotten a warm bucket and a rag along with some flower scented soaps. Quickly washing the young woman's hair first. The woman's hair was long and shiny, yet a layer of dirt clearly was seen. Once the hair was clean she began working on washing the rest of her. After that was done and she was dressed in a pair of black leggings and a green top did she smile. "Now you look like one of us Selene. I hope you wake up soon. I owe you a life debt after all."
       And with that she stood it was now time for her to track down Cedric. Walking out of the tent she looked at Caidrin. "I'm off to find Cedric, he might be able to aid us in waking her." Caidrin nodded. "Of course, I shall have someone come clean out the tent in the meantime." Motta nodded and was soon heading to the outskirts of Flotsam. It wouldn't be hard to find Cedric after all. It would also be easy to convince him to leave with her, especially if she mentioned it was Selene herself who needed his aid.
     Meanwhile with Iorveth.
  Iorveth and his unit were quickly making their way through the forest. They had found Geralt's tracks and saw that it would take them just past the ruined hospital, and right to Lithor. "When we get there I want you all in hiding. The Vatt'ghern might be agitated with the loss of his companion, and quick to attack. I also don't know if he's alone." The group nodded. They knew what he meant. "And no matter what, you aren't to harm him. I don't need Selene awakening and attacking us for harming him."
      Once again the group nodded. They continued to walk, quickly but surely. It wasn't long however until they arrived at the town. There Iorveth signaled for them to hide, while he went to look for Geralt. Thankfully it didn't take him long and the town here didn't care if he was an elf. Walking into a tavern he saw said man sitting at a table, and someone else right beside him. "So where do we go from here?" "Hmm, well we could always go to Novigrad. Go see how everyone is doing there." The woman smiled and went to touch his face when a cough caught the both of them by surprise.
     Looking up Geralt's eyes widened. "Iorveth?" He crossed his arms. "In the flesh Gwynbliedd." Geralt frowned and Iorveth simply ignored the woman beside him. "Why are you here?" Said man glared with his good eye. "I am here because not even a full day ago we found your female companion." Geralt blinked confused. "Okay?" "We found Selene of Vesina wandering through the forest in a daze. She was apparently in pain and asked for it to stop." Geralt was now slightly worried. What could have happened to Selene?
       "And imagine our worry when we couldn't even find you near her. She is currently unconscious at my camp." Yennifer's eyes widened as she looked at Geralt. "Geralt, we should go with him." He frowned. "She should be fine shes a fighter." Now Iorveth was getting mad. "You're telling me you won't go and see Selene of Vesina?!" The second her name was uttered the entire tavern went silent. That name alone sent chills down spines and people were becoming uncomfortable.
      Geralt looked around and sighed. "Fine, lead the way." Iorveth rolled his eyes yet left the building. So many humans annoyed him. But it was indeed fun to watch them squirm at the mere mention of Selene's name. Yennifer and Geralt exchanged a look before they quickly followed after him. "Why is the witch coming?" Geralt frowned. "Her name is Yennifer, and if something is wrong she will be able to heal Selene."
      Iorveth didn't like that. He didn't like the woman at all. He could even feel the glares being aimed at her. "Right, let's be off."
       Meanwhile at the camp.
    Selene had finally started to wake up from her sleep, a disoriented feeling rushed through her body as she looked around and panic started to act up. She looked down at her body and freaked out when she saw she wasn't wearing her armor and freaked out even more when she couldn't find her swords. Just where the fuck was she?! Standing up she stumbled but forced herself to stand straight as she stumbled out of the tent and right into Cedric who caught the distraught woman.
       "Shh, Shh Sor'ca calm down you're safe." Both Motta and Caidrin were shocked. She had woken up. "W....where are my clothes? My swords?" Caidrin frowned. "Selene, do you not remember last night?" This time she looked at Caidrin and frowned. "No, not really." Caidrin frowned. "You were found walking around in a daze. When we tried to find out what happened you just asked us to make the pain stop and collapsed so we brought you here." Selene frowned at this.
      "Motta here, I believe you've met before along with Cedric who is holding onto you. But I am Caidrin, I've been assigned to keep you safe. As for your belongings. The swords are being cleaned and sharpened, while you're clothes washed and repaired." Selene blinked before slowly calming down, a faint smile as she did indeed recognize both Cedric and Motta. "The both of us owe you Selene. We want to help."
      Selene blinked before she saw the worry. "Selene, where is Geralt? Why aren't you with him?" At the mention of that name the smile vanished. The light in her eyes died out and all of a sudden all three understood. Geralt was the reason for Selene's pain. He was the reason Selene was out of it. He had hurt her. He hurt her badly too.
      However before anyone else could even speak another voice spoke up. "Ah, you're awake." Selene looked over and froze. A man stood right across from her, he wore a red bandanna, and had one green eye exposed. His clothes were similar to her's but his was more on the red side. Iorveth walked over and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "I'm glad to see you are up." Geralt and Yennifer however finally appeared. "Selene?" Said woman looked over and again it was like her heart was shattering. Yennifer was holding Geralt's hand. A hand she held so many times. But was no longer hers to hold.
       Silver eyes were losing their life and quickly at that. Iorveth looked over at the pair and then back at Selene before it finally started to click into place. "Selene darling are you alright?" Said woman began to back away and that's when Iorveth spoke. "Vendría!"

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