Chapter 29

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Lambert stared at her for a moment unblinking. "You need to understand. I know damn well I have to live. But I'm not doing it because someone told me too. I'm doing it because I want to. I remember when all I wanted to do was die. Hell I even felt it a few times when I was with Geralt. Yet each day, each day I moved past that. I kept going. It took me a while but I found my footing." Lambert was in shock. He hadn't heard this side of Selene before.
     "Everyone kept telling me what to do. They kept telling me it was Destiny that bound me to Geralt. When in reality it wasn't Destiny. Destiny might have played a part but the rest was us. And up until the bitter end I remained faithful. I didn't live for him. I didn't live for Ciri. I was living for me." Iorveth had finally walked into the gardens having left the room to find Selene. "I didn't live for anyone. I kept going because I needed too. And now I want to live. I don't want to suddenly drop dead. I'm not afraid of the world ending. I'm afraid of myself ending. I live because I want to. Because now I have Iorveth and I can't leave him alone. I live for the rest because they are family. I live because all of you still want me around. I live because I am me and no one can take that from me."
     Lambert finally blinked as she finished. "Holy Shit. That's probably the most you've ever said to me in your entire life." Selene blinked before she laughed. "I'm more at ease talking now." "I can tell. You really have grown." Selene stared at him and watched from the corner of her eyes s Iorveth walked towards them. "You've changed. You use to hate the mere sight of us. Now you sit there and you talk to us. You let us in. Regardless of the fact one of us ended up betraying you." Selene blinked and shrugged only to lean back as Iorveth wrapped his arms around her.
      "Respect isn't given. It's earned. I had to learn the hard way why I endured what I did. Why my mother had no issues with abandoning me here and leaving me nothing but hateful words to live by. I had to learn to let people in." "You did though Sele, you let us in, you let so many people into your life. And after hearing what I heard, I need to say this." Selene turned to look at him with a raised eyebrow. "I will never betray you. I would sooner die then hurt you. You have my heart me minne. And nothing you say or do, will change my mind."
      Selene smiled and leaned against him as he kissed the top of her head making Lambert smile. "Ya know, they said you two got together and I'm glad you two did." However the peaceful moment didn't last long as they soon heard Cedric. "That was fast." Yet Selene frowned and took off to make sure they were okay. "Cedric?! What's wrong?" "We got Roche, he was tracking the man down. But Caidrin is hurt a ForkTail ripped his shoulder open." Selene's eyes widened as she saw them bring Caidrin in. "Eskel!" Said man showed up in a panic. "Go kill that forktail while I heal Caidrin." Eskel nodded and took off while Roche carefully set Caidrin down against the wall.
     "Hold on. Selene is coming." He Only nodded, his shoulder felt like it was on fire. Selene ran over and knelt down her hands glowing as she placed it over the shoulder before nodding at Cedric. "Open swallow and pour it over his injury. This way it's healing from the inside as well." Cedric nodded and did what was asked and watched in amazement as the wound slowly knitted itself shut. "Well I'll be damned." Selene looked at Roche and slowly stood. "Thanks for getting him here." "Of course. I heard my solider was here and he shot you. I deeply apologize."
     Selene shrugged. "It's fine. However I'm tempted to kill him." Roche gulped and then looked over at Iorveth who ran over to check on Caidrin. "You alright Caidrin?" "Yes, Selene healed my shoulder." Iorveth nodded and then looked at Roche. "Vernon." "Iorveth." Selene looked between the both of them and crossed her arms. "First one to start a fight gets to go flying face first into a wall." The two exchanged a look and Lambert slowly backed away. "Right, well Selene, if you think he should die, then by all means. If you believe I should take care of it and decide his punishment I shall also respect that."
      Selene raised an eyebrow before she thought it over. "Killing him is to merciful." The two men exchanged a look. "What do you think then?" Selene grinned and Cedric almost laughed. "Shall I go get him Sor'ca?" "Yes Cedric." And with that he left to retrieve the man. "Selene? What are you up to?" Selene said nothing and just waited. Cedric soon returned with the man who paled at the sight of Selene, Iorveth and Roche. "Sir....I-" "Shut up. You fucking knew to leave them alone. Now you have to deal with whatever Selene has in mind." He paled even more.
     "The she demon?! That crazy bitch?!" Everyone went silent and Cairan walked over and pushed him down to his knees a knife to his throat. "You fucking insult her like that again, you breath the wrong way and I don't care. I'll kill you myself." Selene raised an eyebrow but smiled. "Actually Cairan, can you hold his right arm straight out for me?" "Hm? Oh sure." He forced the man's arm to a straight position and Selene drew her steel sword. "Now remind me, you use your right hand most right?" The man gulped refusing to answer. "Oh? Silent now are we? Roche?" "Yes, He's right handed."
     Selene's smile was cold as she spoke. "Perfect." And with that she walked over and raised the sword up just before swinging it downwards and Severing the arm from the elbow down. "Ahhh!" Selene only smiled "oh I'm not done." Drawing igni with her fingers she soon burned the wound closed and listened to the way the man screamed in pain and horror. "There, now that's much worse then death don't you say?" Iorveth stared at the woman in front of him and almost smirked.
     "Damn well brutal Séléne-e. And you're right, far worse then dying. He's basically a dead man walking now." Roche blanched. He was use to seeing gruesome sights especially in wars but to watch her do it so calmly, to not even look the slightest bit horrified left him in disbelief. Selene however looked at Iorveth and blinked. "I'm sorry." "What? Why are you sorry?" Selene sighed "you had to see that. I hate when people have to see me like that. Also, I'm exhausted and wanna take a nap. No it's not from using my ability, I'm just honestly tired." Iorveth nodded.
     He understood what she was talking about and walked over picking her up before he went inside leaving Roche to deal with his idiots and Selene's unit also left to go and get their stuff together. They would soon leave and head out to wherever they needed to go. Which is something only Selene had an answer too. Once inside their room Iorveth laid Selene down only to be yanked down right next to her. "Sele?" Selene only shook her head as she removed her swords and placed them near the table Iorveth doing the same. "Sele?" Said woman rolled her eyes before she straddled him. "Did you really believe I was tired?"

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