Chapter 26

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Iorveth watched as she finally took out the last of the drowners and he felt his jaw drop. "By the gods they didn't lie when they said any flat surface or water you would be deadly." Selene looked at him as she raised a single eyebrow. "Did you doubt it?" "No, I literally thought they were exaggerating about it because you can easily kick their asses." Selene blinked as she stared at him before she laughed. "Why are you laughing?" "Because, you looked absolutely adorable when you said that." Iorveth frowned before pinning her to the closest tree and pressed himself against her.
      "Adorable hm?" Selene blinked as she looked away from him. However he turned her head back towards him. "Look at me Sele." Selene finally looked into his endless green eyes and shivered and the need that was visible in his gaze. "Ah, um..." he chuckled. "Do I still look adorable?" Selene shook her head no. "Thought so. However I want something from you." Selene blinked as she tilted her head, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "What do you want?" Iorveth smiled softly at how confused she sounded before he faintly pressed his lips against hers.  
       "You. Your heart, your soul. Simply you." Selene shivered as his lips trailed down to her neck and nipped a sensitive spot. "Idiot." He glanced up at her confused. "They're already yours." He smiled at her before claiming her mouth with his own. "As mine is yours Sele. Ni meleth Le Séléne-, me minne." Selene smiled and pulled him back for yet another kiss. However this one was harsher, full of need as he pulled her as close to him as he could. His hands gripping her hips as her fingers tangled into his hair. Neither one willing to pull apart.
      Selene broke the kiss first but Iorveth only moved his lips down to her neck sucking on the sensitive skin leaving a dark and angry mark in its place. "Me." Selene shivered at the possessive tone and mumbled "yours." Gasping as he bit her collar bone leaving yet another mark. "Me minne Séléne-e." My love Selene. Iorveth pulled back to look her in the eyes as his hands moved under her shirt. Yet before he could do anything else Selene was knocking him down as an arrow imbedded itself into her shoulder trapping her against the tree.
      "Selene!" Selene grimaced as the arrow pierced her skin and she gripped the shaft ripping it out. Leaving Iorveth in shock. Silver eyes scanned the area and within moments her eyes locked on something and her hands twitched before she drew her sword. Moving with a speed Iorveth had never seen before. The man's eyes widened, his target had been the elf, but the woman had pushed him out of the way. "Shit." Yet before he could move the silver eyed woman had him effectively pinned to the tree a sword at his throat. A dark and dangerous look to her eyes.
       Iorveth was on the ground still in shock. He knew Selene was fast but he swore she was probably the most dangerous person alive in that moment. "You went to shoot the elf, why?" Even her voice was dark and the man shivered. "He's Scoia'tael, you weren't my target!" The blade pressed itself even closer to his throat. "Wrong answer." The man paled, who the fuck was this woman? Why wasn't he told the elf had someone guarding him?! "Who the fuck are you? Why are you guarding that piece of shit!" Selene saw red and had to force herself to not kill the man. "That man you're insulting is my lover. I don't guard him nor does he guard me. Trust me when I say I'm far more dangerous then any elf you'll ever meet!"
      The man paled and that's when she saw the Tamerian Lillie's. "Roche, you're from his unit!" The man paled even further, Roche had told them to stop hunting the Scoia'tael as they had been pardoned due to them helping end a war and a female witcher vouching for them. "You can't can't be that witcher!" Selene smirked. "Oh but I am. Now you're coming with me." Looking around Selene could see Cedric nearby along with Caidrin, Motta, Ciaran, and Seherim all with arrows aimed at the man. Raising her hand her unit moved towards her and drew swords instead. "I want him escorted to a holding cell, then I want a unit to head out to the outskirts of or Novigrad and I want Roche brought here to me. Tell him i have one of his men. You all come back alive do I make myself clear? The group nodded before the man was grabbed and dragged away.
     Cedric remained behind with Seherim. "Selene, I know this is a bit forward, but I along with Ciaran would like to Join your unit." Selene looked at him and then at Iorveth who was now heading towards them. Meanwhile Cedric was checking the damage to Selene's shoulder. "You'll need to take swallow. It's bleeding heavily Sor'ca." Selene nodded. "I'll take it in a second." "You'll take it now Minne." Selene rolled her eyes but took the elixir making a face. "Now what's this I hear about your unit expanding?" Selene looked at Iorveth and shrugged her good shoulder. "Seherim and Ciaran want to join mine." Iorveth looked at the man and he nodded.
      "Very well, you two may join her Unit, not that you need my permission." Selene nodded and Seherim smiled. "I shall tell Ciaran on our way to the outskirts of Novigrad. We shall return to you soon Sor'ca." And with that they left leaving Selene and Iorveth alone. "You alright Iorveth?" Green eyes widened. "Selene you're the one who was fucking shot." She stared at him. "You were the target and I shoved you." He rolled his eyes. "Sele, I am fine. I'm more worried about you." "I'm Alright, let me just check the lake real fast and we can leave." And with that she walked over to the lake as a woman surfaced from the water. "Hello Kiari."

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