Chapter 20

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They had just reached the house where the woman lived and Selene held up a hand. "Wait here, I'm going to head inside and see what I can learn." "Right, we'll keep guard." Cedric nodded and turned the second Selene walked through the door, the three Scoia'tael that were with her were now all positioned around the house and their bows drawn. "Hello? Anya are you home?" The woman came out of the kitchen and smiled. "Well hello dear. It's not usual I have company."
Selene smiled softly. "I don't see why you don't, you have a lovely home." The elderly woman laughed. "Thank you, child. But tell me, what brings a lovely young thing like you out to my home?" Selene nodded. "I saw your notice." "Ahh, you're here about the curse." "I am. What can you tell me about it?" The elderly woman sat down and motioned for Selene to sit as well. "Please sit." Selene hesitated but knew if anything was to happen her unit would move before anyone could blink so she sat down. "The curse started up roughly two weeks ago. Just before the rest of the winter snows disappeared."
She was silent for a moment. "At first, we thought nothing of it. The only things that had been dying were animals. Then it started targeting people. More specifically men." Selene's eyes narrowed as she listened. "It's killed two so far. And it only seems to grow stronger. It attacks more at night." Selene closed her eyes as she thought. "Notice anything unusual when you go near the location?" "Yes. When we walk back we can hear crying. But when looking around we can't find anything." Selene opened her eyes. "Hmm, I'll go look around the area. Know anyone who died there?"
"Actually yes, young woman. Her name was Sarah. She was such a sweet girl. Someone said she was found to be pregnant. Even though she wasn't married. Her betrothed learned of this and killed her and then himself." Selene cursed. "She probably cursed the area and is taking revenge on anyone who is male." Which was bad. That meant she would need to leave Cedric and Caidrin here for their own safety. "The weapon he used should still be in the house. Please set her spirit free."
Selene nodded and stood up. "Don't worry, I'll make sure she's finally able to find peace." The woman nodded and watched as Selene left the house. "You ready?" Selene sighed. "You and Caidrin can't come." "Excuse me?" "This spirit, it's killing men." The two exchanged a look. "We'll take those chances." Selene crossed her arms. "Well, I'm not." "We took an oath Sor'ca, that we would do whatever it took to protect you. You're not about to have us break it." Selene rubbed her head. She didn't want to risk them. "Besides, if it's after men. That means we can buy you time."
Selene raised an eyebrow at this. "I can't use you two as bait." "Too bad, it's our choice." Selene glared at Cedric before sighing. "Fine, but the second it gets out of control." "We back off. But we have faith in you. Now have it in yourself. You are Scoia'tael. Now kick your ass into gear and let's go." Selene had rarely heard Cedric sound so bossy but when he did she knew he had a point. "Alright, let's go." Motta grinned and Caidrin smirked before they finally took off for the house.
Three days later the group had finally made it to the home where the woman died and like the elderly woman claimed crying could be heard. Selene held up a hand. "Assume the position. Do not attack without my signal, unless your life is in fucking danger understand?" "You got it, Selene." Selene looked at Motta and then the others before she went inside the house. The smell that assaulted her nose made her cringe. It smelled of rotten decomposing flesh.
Looking through the house she found a dagger that contained dried blood and the body of what looked as if it had been a young woman. Looking around Selene felt her eyes turn black, she was trying to locate the spirit. However, the second something hit the side of her head she winced. "Damnit." Turning quickly she saw a woman standing there. "Who are you? How dare you break into my house." Selene placed a hand against the side of her head glaring. "You must be Sarah."
The spirit blinked. "I am, how did you know?" "I met an elderly woman named Anya. She lives a bit over three days away from you. But she told me what happened here. Can you tell me how to help you?" Sarah stared at her. "You truly mean to help me?" "That's the plan. I found the knife that was used to kill you and...the baby." Sarah nodded. "I had shunned him you know. I told him if he ever came back I would kill him." Selene nodded. She knew there was more to this. "What happened though?" "The baby was his, I don't know why he claimed it wasn't. He came back one night. Drunker then I've ever seen him. He flew into a fit of rage. The next thing I know is I woke up like this. At first, I was confused. Then enraged once I heard the story. He had stabbed me to death and my unborn child."
Selene wanted to vomit. Yet she didn't, the fact a man could be so cruel was beyond her. "How can I help you, Sarah, you're trapped and I just want to help." Sarah nodded. "You'll have to bury my body. It's right behind the house." Selene nodded and stood up from her spot on the floor following the ghost outside where the other three were. "Who are they? Why are men here?" Selene noticed Sarah was becoming hostile and she had to act fast. "Sarah, they're my kin. You can't hurt them." Sarah just looked at her and Selene could see the hate. "They're kin and they're only here to help make sure nothing happens to me."
That seemed to have calmed Sarah down. "I see, I won't hurt your kin." Selene nodded and motioned for the other three to stand down. Following Sarah once more she soon found the decomposing body and this time she really wanted to vomit. "Alright, in order to help you, I have to burn your body and the knife okay?" "Alright. I apologize if I attack." Selene nodded and then placed down the knife and waited. "What do you wait for?" "Night. You died at night, you kill at night. You would be a night wraith." "I see. Please end it quickly." Selene nodded and with that knelt down and closed her eyes.
When she next woke it was dark and Sarah was gone. Quickly standing Selene burned the body and knife only for Sarah to appear. "Thank you." And with that, she vanished leaving a wraith in her place. "Let's end this." However, the wraith didn't attack. It only hovered near her before it's ghostly hand touched her face before vanishing and she could only hear a thank you once more. Selene blinked. Shaking her head she turned and walked back to her unit and they all looked at her worried. "It's done. We can go home right after I collect my pay." The group nodded before they left. It would be a long trip but in the end, it was worth it. Selene had put Sarah to rest, and now it was time to go home.

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