Chapter 2

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As Selene continued walking she found herself wondering if Geralt was alright. Had he made it to Yennifer? Should she have maybe followed him? At least so she was safely in another town? Shaking her head she forced the thoughts away. He chose his path. It was time she chose hers. And following him would have only led to more devastation had she actually seen their reunion. Pain, that's what she felt right now. It coursed through her body with no remorse and no pause. She was so out of it that she wasn't aware arrows had been aimed at her until one whirled past her face forcing her to stop walking.
"Who goes there?" Selene looked up with lifeless eyes as she saw a member of the Scoia'tael standing in front of her. Normally she would have defended herself but she was just done. She had no fight left in her. The Scoia'tael moved closer until he saw the wolf medallion and the silver eyes. "Vatt'ghern? What are you doing out here so late? Why are you in the Scoia'tael's territory?" Yet Selene couldn't give him an answer.
She wasn't aware that's where she was. She was only trying to find shelter after all. Silver eyes lifelessly stared at the man before her. She just wanted it to stop. " stop..." the man blinked suddenly worried. "Make what stop Vatt'ghern, are you injured?" She clutched her chest right where her heart was. "Make the pain....stop....please." The elves shared a look of alarm. Was the woman injured? Is that why she was so out of it? However before anyone could say something the young woman fell to her knees. A broken look to those silver eyes.
Several pairs of eyes widened before someone picked her up. "What should we do?" "Well we can't leave her here. Especially if she's injured." "Then where the fuck should we take her?" The one holding her tightened his grip. "Enough, we shall take the Vatt'ghern with us. Then we shall asked Iorvath what should be done." And with that they started heading towards their camp. Selene was out of it. She was numb and the agony was eating her alive. Just as the pain became to much however, and she felt as if time would stop, did she finally black out. Her mind succumbing to the mind numbing darkness where she hoped she would never wake again.
The man noticed this and quickly increased his pace. He couldn't see any physical injuries so he wondered if it was a mental one. Had the Vatt'ghern been tortured? Once they made it to the camp one of the others ran for Iorveth. Who came almost immediately. "What's going on, why is there an unconscious Vatt'ghern in your arms?" The elf looked at him and sighed. "We don't know what happened. We found her blindly wandering through the forest. When asked she only stood there. Then she started to speak. Asked us to make it stop."
Iorveth raised an eyebrow his green eye curious. "Stop what?" "The pain, so we panicked thinking she was injured. Especially after she collapsed. I can't see a physical wound, but perhaps she was tortured and it's a mental one." That's when it clicked in Iorvath's head. He kept calling the Vatt'ghern a female. "Female Vatt'ghern? As in the only female Vatt'ghern?" Caidrin blinked clearly confused. "What do you mean?" "Show me her face." Caidrin shrugged and revealed the face and Iorveth cursed.
"Selene Of Vesina. The only female to become a Vatt'ghern. She's also Geralt's lover." Multiple people stopped at this. The Selene? A woman whose name stuck fear into the hearts of even full grown men? The Selene who was now unconscious in Caidrin's arms? "Fuck, whoever did this will literally face her wrath once she comes to. And we should immediately start to look for Geralt. He must be worried about her." However Iorveth frowned something didn't seem right. This woman was a literal demon on her own. So the person would have either needed to be stronger then her, or caught her by surprise. But what really had his curiosity was the fact Geralt and Selene usually traveled together once they left Kaer Morhen.
"Something tells me there's more to this then we no. For now she will stay with us in the tent closes to my own. I want someone watching her at all times." And with that he walked away. It was time to start looking for answers. Which meant he would leave first thing in the morning to track down Geralt. But hopefully he would be able to speak with Selene first. Find out what happened exactly.
Caidrin walked into the tent next to Iorveth's and laid the woman down after removing her swords and the belt that held them in place. Quickly covering the young woman he walked outside to stand guard. He needed to protect her while she slept. That night the Scoia'tael were on high alert. Selene Of Vesina had fallen and no one knew what had caused that to happen.

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