Chapter 7

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"Thank you Levi!" you shouted.

"Yeah," was all he said, but it was good enough for you. Erwin nudged Levi on the shoulder and have him a knowing look. Levi sighed. You wondered what it was about briefly, but you turned away when Mikasa called your name.

"He can't do the talent show." she said gravely.

"Yeah, I figured. I had to pair up with Levi."

Mikasa didn't even indicate she'd heard you. She was probably too busy worrying about Eren. You giggled and left to go find your soccer ball. Your first act, with your friends, was in fifteen minutes. There would be three acts in between, and then your act with Levi.

You jogged all the way to your cabin, and it was empty inside. You found your ball, and walked through the common room on your way out. Ymir and Historia were sitting across from each other on two of the squishy chairs, laughing. They didn't notice you, nor your smile for Historia.

When you got back to the makeshift stage, you saw the entirety of Paradis Camp, (roughly 120 kids), sitting in the audience. You didn't join them, you walked backstage to your friends instead.

It was chaotic. Sasha was trying to tackle Connie for an Oreo, yelling that she needed it for stage fright. Annie was hyping up Hange loudly, pumping her fist, as Hange danced around in her lab coat. Jean was riding around on his unicycle. Petra was-


Petra had an act? You couldn't wait to see that.

There were several other kids you didn't know, perhaps in other age groups, rehearsing their various acts. Levi stood in a corner, leaning against the wall. His ball was at his feet, but he wasn't playing with it. As if he could tell your eyes were on him, he looked up, straight at you. The familiar electricity burned through you.

Levi blinked, and his eyes looked softer. Or maybe it was just the light. You stood there, awkwardly, until he broke your eye contact to wipe invisible dirt off his clothes.

"God, I did it again!" you thought to yourself, angrily.

"(Y/N)! We're up!" Sasha yelled, munching on an Oreo.

You ran to your friends, and exited the space backstage. You took the stage silently and seriously.

"Now we have (F/N) (L/N), Mikasa Ackerman, Annie Leonheart, and Sasha Braus!" the announcer yelled.

You all stood on the stage for a moment until the background music began.


You all screamed the lyrics, and the audience joined you in belting the song out as loudly as possible. Nifa covered her ears, and Mike's nose twitched in disapproval.

But you couldn't care less. You were surrounded by your favorite people, uniting with them by singing and laughing.

"REMEMBER THE FIRST TIME WE MET YOU WAS AT THE MALL WITH YO FRIENDS, I WAS SCARED TO APPROACH YA, BUT THEN YOU CAME CLOSER, HOPING YOU WOULD GIVE ME A CHANCE," everyone was screaming now. You were laughing so hard you were crying, and your voice was becoming hoarse.

Your song was over too soon, and you and your friends stood, sweaty and breathless, with tears streaming down your faces.

Breathless, Mikasa said, "That was totally awesome."

You could barely speak, so you nodded enthusiastically, and you all returned backstage. The cheers and whoops followed you all the way off the stage.

Summer Camp Levi x Reader (Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now