Chapter 28

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Nifa didn't understand why the four of you all wore bright red blushes when you walked over to her for regroup, but thankfully, she didn't ask. 

You all stood, completely tense, until she walked into the dining hall, probably to get another cup of coffee.

"MIKASA." you yelled. 

"I know, I know." she groaned, though she was smiling. 


She shook her head.  "No, everything's going to be awkward... now that they know we overheard them."

"YEAH, BECAUSE... AHEM, SOMEBODY DECIDED TO FUCKING HOOT LIKE A FUCKING OWL-" you shouted, throwing an arm around Sasha. 

"I- IT WAS HEAT OF THE MOMENT." she stuttered angrily.  You rolled your eyes.  You weren't actually mad, but it was one of the stupidest things you'd ever witnessed. 

"Yeah anyways, can you believe it?" Annie said, cutting the awkwardness. 

"Believe what?"

"I have Armin, you have Levi, Connie practically just declared his love for Sasha, and Eren clearly likes you, Mikasa." she explained. 

"What kind of water do the guys drink at Camp Paradis?" you snorted. 

"Love is in the air!" Annie sang.  Mikasa slapped her, but she kept singing. 

The rest of the girls joined the four of you, so you quieted down.  Sasha quietly told the story to Hange, Historia, and Ymir.  Hange was overly enthusiastic, and tried to scream something, but Ymir slapped a hand over her mouth. 

"Shh, they'll hear." she growled.  She was right, the boys were walking up the hill.

Your guy friends were all red in the face. 

Except Levi, whose eyes were on you.  Your heart sped as usual, and you suddenly felt light headed.  You forced your gaze away from him, until you could gain a little bit of composure. 

You were so focused on him, that you failed to notice Nifa's return, with the horrendous megaphone. 

"ALRIGHT EVERYONE, LISTEN UP!  WE'RE HEADING DOWN TO THE ROPES COURSE, THE ZIPLINE IS A SHORT WALK AWAY.  THERE IS TO BE NO FUNNY BUISNESS ON THE WAY DOWN!" she shouted.  When she said the "funny business" part, she looked at your friend group. 

She began the walk down to the site without giving you a chance to get lost in Levi's eyes again.  You weren't sure if you were angry or grateful. 

Everyone started down the trail, chatting contently.  The air was colder today.  You drew Levi's hoodie around you a little closer, with a shudder. 

Bertholdt and Reiner were walking ahead of you, so you joined them. 

"Good morning (Y/N)" Bertholdt greeted.  You yawned before you could say anything. 

"Tired from your little Mission Impossible?" Reiner joked.  You groaned. 

"I can't believe you saw us." you snorted. 

"Say, why'd you come by, anyway?" Bertholdt asked.  His voice was a little sad. 

"Well, since Sasha got us caught, I'm pinning the blame on her." you giggled. 

You neglected to check the heads in front of you, which proved to be a bad decision.  Sasha whipped around, with a red face. 

"HEY!" she shouted. 

Summer Camp Levi x Reader (Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now