Chapter 19

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"Oh hell no. She did not," was your only thought as you watched Petra run towards you, claws outstretched. You didn't move, just froze to wait for impact.

Petra's claw-like nails found hair arm, and she dug them in, yelling. All of your friends turned to watch. You slapped her hand away and stared at her, bewildered. You knew that if you punched her, you could actually hurt her, and a trip to Nifa-ville didn't sound like how you wanted to spend your evening.

Unfortunately, Petra was acting like one of those stubborn chihuahuas that thinks it can stand up to a big dog. She prepared for another assault, even angrier now that you hadn't reacted. Petra tossed her arm back, and slapped you right across the face.

Your first thought was, "I've had worse" before you lost your cool. You pulled back your foot, preparing to punt the little bitch into tomorrow. All your years of playing soccer had perfectly prepared you for this moment.

But before you could boot Petra across the campsite, somebody grabbed you and yanked you back. It was Mikasa.

"(Y/N), stop. She's not worth it. Stop." she commanded, holding you down. You struggled for a second, before relaxing into her arms. Everyone who'd been watching turned away, relieved a fight hadn't broken away.

But you nearly broke free to slap Petra anyway, when you saw that Levi was the one to hold her back. He looked furious that he was the one tasked with holding back the redhead, and he seemed to be holding her with as little contact as possible. She was struggling to run at you, glowering.

She noticed you watching Levi, and a plan seemed to form in her small brain. You watched, horrified, as she turned towards Levi. In slow-motion, she leaned her head, closer and closer to him.

"Is she going to kiss him?" you thought, shocked. Mikasa let go of you and rushed towards Petra herself, forgetting about her no-violence motto.

You could only watch as Petra leaned closer and closer to Levi. He seemed to process what was happening just a moment after you did, and his eyes widened.

Levi flinched, and pushed Petra straight away from him.

And unfortunately for Petra, that was straight down into a puddle.

The few people who'd been watching burst into laughter, and you would have, too, if one of Petra's blonde friends hadn't kicked mud at you.

You whipped around to face Petra's lower-IQ "friend". She'd spattered the back of your jeans with dirt. You just gave her a "wtf" look, and she shrugged.

You would have said something, but Nifa was running over now, with a cup of coffee in her hand. You hoped, for your sake, that it was heavily caffeinated.

"What is going on here?" she yelled, just as loud as her evil megaphone. Your friends backed you up, while Petra's dull allies tried to figure out what to say.

"Petra lunged at her! We saw!" Jean yelled.

"Who initiated the fight?" Nifa asked angrily.

"Petra hit her first, (Y/N) didn't even touch her!" Marco shouted.

"Then why is she on the ground? And why did she go after (Y/N) in the first place?" Nifa asked.

You faced her. "I said something about her and she heard. I'm sorry." you said. You weren't sorry at all, but kissing ass was the only way to keep Nifa from blowing her fuse.

"And Levi held her off (Y/N), but she tried to... assault him. So, he just pushed her off of him. And... um, she fell. She must not be very well balanced." Eren added helpfully. Levi shot him an angry glare.

Summer Camp Levi x Reader (Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now