Chapter 30

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You quite positively skipped to the meeting spot Nifa was attempting to coax everyone into. She had the megaphone and was shouting instructions, which you willingly obliged to. No reason for her to suspect you of anything.

Until you snuck away, of course.

Nifa's actions were in vain, since herding the campers was worse than herding cats.

You studied her carefully. She was going to snap any second now, and the rain was coming down harder.

"Not yet... not yet... now!" you narrated in your head.

At the exact moment, Nifa let out an exasperated groan and turned on her megaphone. "ALRIGHT EVERYONE, JUST HEAD BACK TO YOUR CABIN AND WAIT!" she yelled. To her credit, she looked like she was operating on exactly thirteen minutes of sleep, so you didn't really blame her for giving up so easily.

In fact, you were thankful. You turned to Levi, trying to suppress your overexcited heartbeat. You were certain he could hear it. Then again, your heart was always like that around him. You stared at him, wondering if he could genuinely give you a heart attack by just looking at you.

"Um... shall we?" you asked. Levi was looking at you, amused. He'd clearly noticed your brief lapse in functioning.

"Yes, dumbass."

You frowned at the nickname, and he shrugged, clearly amused. Though he still had yet to put on that smile.

You shook your head to clear it and started to walk (casually) towards the path Nifa was guiding people to. You walked right past her, Levi in tow. You could practically feel her gaze trying to peer into your mind and find out why you were walking over-casually. But you passed.

You'd been holding your breath.

"Okay... quick." you whisper-yelled behind you. You took the opportunity to veer off the path behind a tree. You were hidden from view.

Levi just about crashed into you. His chest pressed again your back, effectively setting your heart rate to an abnormal pace. He was warm.

Levi backed off almost as soon as he realized the position you were in. You caught your breath quickly and led him down the path. You didn't usually go from the lake to the clearing, so it took some improvising.

Levi followed behind you, pointing out every time you nearly tripped. You thanked him profusely every time, (as you liked having skin on your knees). Once, you stumbled anyway, but he caught you by the back of your shirt.

Finally, you made it to the clearing. Both of you were soaked to the bone, but Levi looked like a model, and you looked like...

"A drenched rat." Levi decided.

"Thanks." you told him sarcastically. You wrung out your hair without much grace, while surveying the clearing. Even under the steady sheet of rain it was beautiful, and positively sparkling with raindrops.

You plopped down onto the grass, which was a bit muddy. Levi tilted his head, wearing a disgusted look.

"Oh, come on, you're already wet anyway." you groaned.

"I'm not about to get dirtier, (Y/N)." Levi reasoned. His serious face was funny to you, and you fought back a laugh. He noticed anyway, and a scowl took over his face.

"Fine, fine!" you surrendered, throwing your arms up. You wrung your hair again, shivering from the cold. You'd cooled off a lot now that you weren't hiking through the forest, though your heart still raced.

Summer Camp Levi x Reader (Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now