Chapter 2

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            When the bus pulled to a rickety stop, probably giving you a mini-concussion, Nifa's voice rose again, this time without the megaphone. It was softer and more kind without it.

"I want everyone to line up and get off the bus. Don't leave any food or trash behind."

You pushed yourself up, ignoring the complaints from your legs once they realized they had to carry your weight again. Following Mikasa, Sasha, and Annie, you exited the bus. The fresh air that hit your face felt like a blessing, and you audibly sighed in pleasure.

As all of the tired teenagers trickled out of the bus, you took a moment to guess how many there were. There seemed to be about fifty girls or so. Then the door on the boys' bus swung open. Loud whoops cut through the moment of peace you'd been experiencing. You could only wonder what they were whooping about.

"Alright listen up!" a male voice spoke up this time. "My name is Mike, and I'm the camp director here at Camp Paradis!"

You would have payed attention to what he was saying, but as soon as you turned to face Mike, you were so bewildered by the sheer size of his nose, that you found you could not focus. You shook your head to clear it, and Rudolf the Red-Nosed-Reindeer immediately got stuck in your head.

You gave up on listening until you realized that all of the girls were being divided. There were six to a cabin, so the four of you would be staying with two other girls. You waited patiently until you could walk to the cabin and drop the duffel bag, which seemed to have gained about 300 pounds in the time you'd been 'listening' to Mike.

Finally, Nifa walked over to the huddle of girls. She started reading names off a list, and you heard yours, along with Sasha, Annie, Mikasa, and two other girls, whose names were Hange and Historia. Hange was a tall brunette and she seemed to be wearing... goggles? Historia was a short, pretty blonde girl.

"Hi!" you greeted the two. Hange replied enthusiastically.

"Hi! I'm Hange and this is Historia."

They must have known each other from school.

"I'm (Y/N) and this is Mikasa, Sasha, and Annie" you said, while gesturing to each respectively. Your greetings were cut off by a loud ass yell from the boy's huddle.

"What was that?" Historia yelped.

"Eren." the four of your friends groaned.

"Come on guys, we'll check on him later. Let's get to the cabin." you urged.

"Taking charge, I see." Sasha chuckled.

"Shut up."

The walk to the cabin was longer than you expected, but you supposed that was due to the fact that you were dragging a duffel bag that you suspected somebody had added bricks to. When Hange swung the door open, the dust decided to assault your poor unsuspecting nostrils, causing you to cough loudly. After your lung spasm, you inspected the cabin.

There were three bunk beds along one wall, and shelves lined the other. A pathetic excuse for a bathroom stood in one corner. A frail toilet was sputtering next to a short sink with a tiny mirror. The shower looked like it would be shorter than you. You stifled a groan and threw your bag onto the bunk above Hange. "Hey (Y/N)! I hope you don't mind me doing experiments below you!" She said in a cheerful voice.

"I- okay? But don't expect me to join in", you giggled.

After the six of you finished unpacking, you guys all decided to get to know each other. "Who here has boyfriends?" Hange asked bluntly. You coughed out loud.

Summer Camp Levi x Reader (Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now