Chapter 14

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Levi chased you out of the cabin, but you were victorious. You had the book, after all.

Erwin gave the two of you a suspicious but amused look. You couldn't see Levi's reaction, but you assumed it would be his signature eye roll.

You sat down on the ground to examine the contents of the book. Erwin sat down next to you, but Levi stayed standing.

"What are you, taking advantage of getting to be tall for once?" you said, looking up. Erwin sighed.

"The ground is filthy, brat." he snapped.

You rolled your eyes and opened the book to the edible plants chapter. Erwin investigated the pages under your eye. Pretty soon, the three of you found a familiar looking plant, but you weren't sure where you'd seen it before. Levi had seen it, as had you, but Erwin had not.

"Maybe it's on the trail back from the soccer fields?" you suggested.

Levi seemed satisfied with your answer, and he allowed the two of you to stand up before he set off on the path. Right now, you and Levi were determined to avoid interacting, after all of the energy you'd both felt in the cabin. You walked next to Erwin instead, and pretty soon, Levi was out of sight.

"You drive him up the wall, (Y/N)." Erwin said, after several moments of comfortable silence.

"Hm?" you asked.

Erwin just smiled to himself.

"I've known him for a very long time. Unique, isn't he?" he chuckled.

"Yeah, you could say that." you sighed. But you paused. "What do you mean, I drive him up the wall?"

Erwin looked at you, intensely, as if trying to read you.

"You get under his skin. But not in the way you think." he said, thoughtfully. You stayed silent, trying to figure out what he meant.

"You should get to know him. It would be good."

"For me? Or for him?" you asked, suspicious.

"Both of you." Erwin whispered.

"How long have you known him, Erwin?" you asked, changing the subject. Something about this conversation felt like an intrusion to Levi's personal life, in such a way that you felt strangely guilty. But you were so hungry for details about him that you couldn't seem to shut up.

"You should ask him." was all Erwin said.

"Do you always give as vague as possible answers to annoy people?" you asked, chuckling.

"Maybe." he joked. You pretended to scoff, as if offended.

But it struck you that Erwin was very, very intelligent.

The two of you walked in another comfortable silence until you found Levi, crouched just off the path over what looked like several simple white flowers.

"It's called Wood Sorrel, right?" he said, when the two of you stopped next to him.

"Yeah, who knew?" you said, bending down to examine the flowers.

"Pick one, and let's go. I want to get this over with." Levi sighed.

He could have punched you; it would have hurt less.

Maybe it was a mistake to touch him in the cabin, a mistake to let yourself feel close to him. Perhaps you'd imagined seeing his eyes soften around you.


Erwin stiffened, and he faced Levi, but from the ground, you couldn't see the expression he fixed Levi with, nor his expression.

Summer Camp Levi x Reader (Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now