Episode 2

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Ryan, Mark and I were face timing Mark's dad. He had really taken to me. I guess I was now part of the family.

"And then out of nowhere, sandstorm!" Ryan's dad said

"That sounds awful, Mr. Walker." I commented

"But you're okay, right?" Mark asked

"You know me, just trying to keep the sand out of my hair." He said. We all laughed.

"I have to go finish prepping my presentation for today's assembly, so I'll see you guys." I said, waving goodbye. I went inside, said goodbye to Grace, who was leaving and finished prepping my presentation on the computer. I put on my high-heeled ankle boots and walked up to where Ryan and Mark were, when I got a splitting headache. I gasped and fell to the ground. I saw a shark monster thingy stealing the giant monster heart, which was located in the bay. Oh my fucking god, the monster heart is located in the bay. I saw Grey with the monster heart and her eye was weird. It was a sensory overload. The shark came at me and I opened my eyes and saw a blue sky above me. I groaned

"Liz!" I felt someone shaking me. I sat up

"What happened?" I asked.

"You fell to the ground, screaming and clutching your head." Ryan said

"I screamed?" I said to myself.

"What happened?" Ryan asked me

"I-I had these visions. The monster heart is in the bay, and Grey's going after it with a new monster." I told them

"Let's get to school." Mark said, and helped me up.


We were all in the robot and, by Harris's orders, I was lying on the bed so he could scan me.

"They were like the visions I got when Mech X4 tried to communicate with me, but way more intense." I told them.

"What did you see?" Spyder prompted

"I saw a shark monster thingy stealing the giant monster heart, which was located in the bay. I saw Grey with the monster heart and her eye was really weird." I told them

"It's possible the monster heart landed in the bay." Harris said

"So we amp up sub-mode and go after it." I said

"We don't even know if the visions are real." Mark said

"Well, the last time I had visions, it was the robot." I told them

"We're getting a new robot. I call technopath." Spyder said.

"That's not how it works." I told him.

"So if the visions are right, that means Grey's creating a new monster." Mark said

"Yea, but she only did that for Harper and he's um... you know." Spyder trailed off.

"I get it, he's dead. Thanks to us. No need to censor it." I muttered bitterly

"We are not equipped to fight underwater." Harris said

"So you and Leo update it!" I snapped

"Texting Leo." Harris said

"How are we gonna find the monster heart we don't ev-" I interrupted Mark

"Harper Futuristics. We go there, find the metals and leave." I told them

"Okay, but for the record, if we get a new robot I get to drive." Spyder said

"NO! No you don't! You would get us all killed, besides, you don't even have the power to control this robot." I scoffed and we left.

"Words do hurt." He muttered.

Mech X4, Spyder x OC (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now