Episode 10

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I had made a quick excuse to Grace and was at the library hanging out with Veracity. We were waiting for Harris.

"So... how's Lily and you going?" I asked Veracity

"Good, I really like her and I think she likes me." Veracity said

"Cool. Oh look Harris is here." I said. We watched him and his sister interact for a bit.

"Your sister seems nice." Veracity said

"Try sharing a bathroom with her and three sisters. So, what about you guys? Everything taken care of?" Harris asked

"Well, I told Grace I'm gonna be hanging with Veracity for the next 3 to 4 days so yea." I said

"I got Olivia to take care of my gerbil, my hamster, my rescue Lhasa, my goldfish and my bonsai tree. So if half of them aren't deceased by the time I get back, I will take that as a win."

"What about your dads?" I asked

"I'm gonna need to make a call." Veracity said. (Bruhhhh I think I have a crush on Veracity. Legit every time she makes an appearance in the show my heart just starts racing.)

"How long till Spyder gets here?" I asked

"And Ryan and Mark." Veracity added

"Yea I get enough of them by living with them." I muttered. Mark came through the hatch and Spyder was in the elevator. I burst out laughing when I saw them both. Spyder was in a suit and Mark was in some warrior outfit.

"Shut up!" Spyder grumbled

"But it's just... the whole look... I just can't." I said and burst out laughing again.

"I just got bar mitzvah-ed. So if I die in battle, I die a man." Spyder said

"Yea. Okay!" I said, snickering

"Morbid but respectable. Glad you're not wearing a man-bun." Veracity said

"I should have done that." Spyder said

"Do that and I break up with you." I said, sobering up immediately

"What happened to you?" Spyder asked Mark

"I just came back from the Wyvern convention with Georgia." Ryan climbed through the hatch. "It was actually pretty fun." Mark said

"Man, she broke you." Ryan said

"Have you ever kissed a girl." Mark asked. I was just watching this, while eating popcorn.

"Have you?" Ryan said

"Yes actually." Mark said. I was so surprised I choked on my popcorn.

"Let's just go." Ryan said

"Oh you got me a gift, you shouldn't have." Spyder said, looking at the box in Ryan's hands.

"It's not for you. It's for my mom" Ryan said

"Dude, even I know that your mom doesn't want a gift, she told me when I gave her a card today, since I was likely to forget to give it to her ya know on her actual birthday." I said. "She still took the card."

"You two bought that, and I bought this." Ryan told us

"What's in it?" I asked

"Something from the best son ever." Ryan told us. I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"Alright, let's go." I said.

"Jet's locked in." Harris chimed in through the speakers

"Again! It feels like an itchy backpack." I commented

Mech X4, Spyder x OC (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now