Episode 8

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I was sitting between Ryan and Spyder on the couch.

"So this is what little red ooze we could salvage from when Grey was holding Harper." Harris said, motioning to a jar of red ooze.

"We've been analyzing it to help us create a weapon to destroy it. Liz helped us weld it together." Leo said
"I was your human blowtorch." I summarized

"And bam!" Harris said, revealing an arm cannon.

"Ohhhh! It looks explodey." Spyder said

"That's because it is explodey." Harris said, aiming the weapon straight at me. I ducked and Ryan and Spyder moved out of the way.

"Easy, tiger." Leo told Harris

"We figured if we could hit it with the right frequency, we could turn it from red ooze..." Leo paused to put on goggles. I grabbed some from under the table, just in case.

"Do we need goggles?" Spyder asked

"I have." I said and handed Spyder and Ryan goggles

"From red ooze..." Leo said. I shielded my eyes as Harris fired up his arm cannon. "To no ooze." The entire jar just disappeared too.

"The beaker also disappeared." I pointed out

"it's not perfect." He said

"I want one!" Spyder said

"We all need one." Ryan pointed out

"oh really. That's too bad cuz I only made 4 exact replicas of this." Harris said, one of the walls flipping around. I ran and grabbed one. I experimentally fired it at the air next to the couch. It had a jerking motion back like shooting a gun or something and I staggered back as it hit the couch.

"I'll replace that." I said. The arm thing was heavy.

"If that's the case, I'm out of here!" Leo said, picking up his bag. "We've been fighting way too many flying monsters and I'm gonna pick up a few things to repair the robot's flight mode."

"We didn't - we didn't already fly?" Spyder asked

"No! We just sort of leaped through the air, like a ballerina." I said

"Can we not compare the robot to a ballerina." Ryan said and I just shrugged

"I have to keep a low profile now that Harper's back so if you need me, my secret name is Constantine Del Montevideo (I used the subtitles for that one). The third. Esquire. Thank you. Okay. Good luck. Goodbye!" Leo said. Mark walked in and passed Leo, who then told Mark "Hi! My name is Constantine."

"Guys, I was just checking the sensors and it looks like Traeger is just outside Bay City." Mark told us

"Why though." Harris asked

"Who cares?" I scoffed and then elaborated. "Look he's expecting a giant robot and he knows nada about me. We have the element of surprise with these cannon thingies. We can take him down. You ready?" I asked, hyping them up

"Ready!" Harris and Ryan confirmed

"Yea gimme one of those." Spyder said. I handed everyone an arm cannon and we sat down in our respective seats


We were just leaping along in our robot.
"See! Leaping!" I said to Spyder

"Just saying, if you read the message boards, it says we can fly. It also updated on the loss of your flight superpower." Spyder told us

"We have message boards?" I asked and Spyder nodded.

"We're getting closer to Traeger's location. But if these readings are right, it says that he's 20 feet underground?" Harris said, in a questioning tone

Mech X4, Spyder x OC (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now