Episode 7

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"I mean, he threw the robot like a rag doll." Spyder continued on with his rant.

"Spyder we get it. Traeger's powerful. But you guys didn't have me fighting with you." I said. Harris then took out the drone with a metal bar.

"Why would you?" Ryan asked

"Watch." Harris said. So we did. The robot began assembling itself back together.

"You used nanites, didn't you." I said

"Yup. So we'll never lose any intel on Grey or Traeger." Harris said. "And once it confirms it's targets, it'll attack." I realized where this was going so I quickly changed the targets to Grey and Traeger before it could attack.

"New target accepted." The computer said

"Fly! Be free!" Harris said

"Oh, Mark's calling me." I said and quickly pulled him up.

"Hey Dingus, you're Mech Link was off, I had to call Lizzy. Didn't you get mom's text. She wants us home, now! Lizzy too" Mark said.

"Great. Bye." I said, turning off my Mech Link. "Have fun, don't be irresponsible, do your homework and if someone gets hurt, it's Harris's responsibility. Also Harris, you're in charge." I said

"Yes mom." Both Spyder and Harris said, rolling their eyes

"Ha ha." I said dryly. I grabbed my backpack and waved goodbye as Ryan and I left. Mark picked us up in his car and we arrived at the Grub Buggy.

"What do you think your mom wants?" I asked, zipping up my jacket. What it's cold.

"I don't know but whatever it is, we'll get it done and get back to the robot." Ryan said

"Whole weekend on patrol, right?" I asked. Ryan nodded. Then someone touched my shoulder. I turned around and quickly hit whoever it was in the face. It was their dad.

"oops." I muttered. "Sorry Mr Walker." I apologized.

"Not a problem. You've got a killer punch. Anyway, you guys seem on edge today." He told us

"We thought you had a couple of weeks left working at the hospital in Bolivia." Mark said

"Yea well, we finished up early and I got to come home. Nice meeting you, Elizabeth. If you're Ryan's twin I consider you my daughter." He told me

"Sorry again about the whole... face thing." I said.

"It's fine. I scored four tickets to the Future Technology Convention." He said

"I've been trying to get tickets for months. Nada." I said in awe. "And some basketball dude is also there." I added on

"How perfect is that. Science for Elizabeth, video games for Ryan, sports for Mark and music for everyone. You know DJ Live Rats performed there last year." He said. Grace walked up to us.

"Eh. She played a set in our living room once." Grace said.

"Really. An international superstar played in your living room." Their dad said, obviously not believing us.

"Yeah. Mom's billionaire tech-genius, previously adoptive father of Lizzy, ex-boyfriend payed her to." Mark said

"And then he tried to destroy the world." Grace said

"We should talk more." Their dad said, concerned.

"Thanks. This is... this is amazing." I said

"I'm glad you're so excited. You guys didn't have any other plans this weekend, did you?" He asked us. Ryan, Mark and I looked at each other.

Mech X4, Spyder x OC (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now