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Okay, so now that we're all caught up let me tell you what happened next. Not much happened since then. Harper took us back home, he died of a heart attack, no one really missed him. And then bam! The very next day was the Hamilton show. It was pure and utter chaos. Jordan, remember her, she'd come to the show.We had just finished up the first act and it was the 10 minute intermission. I was prepping for act two. I had just finished changing my dresses and I tied my hair up.

"Eliza..." Veracity panted, running up to me. "I just checked, we gave the band the music for first burn not burn. You're gonna have to memorize the lyrics for that."

"I have just over 16 minutes before I go on for Take a Break." I panicked

"I'll help you memorize the lyrics, just please, we need you to do this." Veracity said "Juliet can help." She told me and I nodded. She handed me the music sheets and ran back to help our Maria Reynolds fit into her red dress.

"Juliet! Help me! Please!" I yelled

"Okay. Uhh why don't you sing through with the lyrics and then slowly we'll take them away." She told me. I nodded and we began.

"time for Take a Break!" Veracity told me. I nodded and ran onstage.

"Alexander! Your son is nine years old today. He has something he'd like to say. He's been practicing all day. Philip take it away." I sang and started beatboxing.

"My name is Philip and I'm a poet, and I wrote this poem just to show it. And I just turned 9, you can write rhymes but you can't write mine." (WHAT!!!) "I practice French I play piano with my mother. I have a sister but I want a little brother. My daddy's trying to start America's bank. Un Deux Trois Quatre CINQ!!!!!"


I had just finished performing Schuyler defeated and was going over First Burn.

"Do you wanna sing it again?" Juliet asked

"I think I got it! If I forget, I'll just improvise." I said and she nodded. A couple minutes later it was time for burn.

"I saved every letter you wrote me

From the moment I saw you

I knew you were mine

You said you were mine

I thought you were mine

Do you know what Angelica said

When I told her what you'd done?

She said

"You have married an Icarus

He has flown too close to the sun"

Don't take another step in my direction

I can't be trusted around you

Don't think you can talk your way

Into my arms, into my arms

I'm burning the letters you wrote me

You can stand over there if you want

I don't know who you are

I have so much to learn

I'm re-reading your letters

And watching them burn (burn)

I'm watching them burn (burn)

You published the letters she wrote to you

Mech X4, Spyder x OC (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now