Episode 3

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I was rehearsing my lines over the phone with Ella, Evan and Harry while in Mech X4. Actually it was more like we were rehearsing and joking around.

"What are you doing." Spyder asked me

"Rehearsing my lines and doing something productive with why time unlike you." I said

"You're always doing that, live a little." He told me

"I am living. I am having fun."

"With them. Are they your friends."
"why do you sound so surprised. I do have a life and it doesn't revolve around you Ryan Harris and Mark." I snapped.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked hesitantly.

"Okay... should we watch varsity tryouts and rehearse in person?" Ella asked

"See you"
"Gladly" We signed off and I left.


We were chanting the songs underneath our breath so it probably looked like a cult on the bleachers when Ryan and Spyder came in and sat next to us. Ryan gave a short wave and they waved back and ignored Spyder. These kids are amazing.

"So you're the kids my sister's been hanging out with, and you're the guy who has to kiss her." Ryan said slightly protectively.

"Hang on, you two are related." Ella asked

"Long story and yes we're twins." I said

"Ryan, that's Harry Ella and Evan. Guys, that's Ryan."
"Aren't you gonna introduce me?" Spyder asked. I ignored him and we went back to practicing when out of the corner of my eye it looked like Mark was flying. That idiot must've put gravity pucks in Mark's shoes.

*timeskip to lunch*

We were rehearsing the choreo and singing in the computer lab.

"I make my own destiny... Dancing and a howling shaking and a shouting, overflowing like a soda fountain, moving and a grooving everything is new and, I take your hand and I dance with you let me show you how we do ooh oooh." I sang and stumbled and tripped, landing right in Evan's arms, cliche I know.

"Would you call me cliche if I said something about you falling for me." He asked me, smiling.

"Alright, let's run that one more time." The director, who's name was Juliet by the way, "Lizzy, you need to stop tripping over your own two feet. Lunch break everyone." The director called and everyone left except for Evan.

"You should go to lunch." I told him.

"Without you?" He asked me

"I uh... I'm not hungry." I fibbed. I was starving but I felt like something was wrong downstairs and wanted to avoid it. Cowardly? yes. But was I tired as hell thanks to Mark's snoring? Also yes. He shrugged and left me when Veracity, Spyder and Harris burst in.

"Hi..." I asked

"Oh right, drama club meeting." Veracity said. I noticed the data core in her hands.

"Why do you have our data core?" I asked suspiciously

"Harris locked it, remember?" She told me. I nodded realizing they had lied to her. Then the emergency lights turned on. I cautiously opened the door and looked outside. One of the jocks came hurtling at me and I quickly closed the door. He looked infected by the ooze.

"Is everything okay?" Veracity asked

"What do you define as oka - AHHHHH" I screamed as the guy who was outside, his hands burst through the door and grabbed either side of my ribcage. Harris, Veracity and Spyder started trying to pry the hands off me.

Mech X4, Spyder x OC (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now