Episode 9

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I was practicing my new ability, invisibility by just walking around the robot and doing my best to keep it up. I went to the top of the repair loft thingy and just sat there for a little bit, watching Veracity look at the robot. Ryan sat next to me. I waved a hand in front of his face and I realized I was still invisible.

"Sticky!" Veracity commented, when she touched Spyder's control panel. She looked at the shields and even sat down in my seat. "This must be Eliza's, considering all the blue." She commented. "Why does she have so many buttons?" Veracity said. Then she went to Ryan's technopath area and started doing punches and blocks.

"Excuse me!" Ryan said, startling her.

"Jeez!" She exclaimed

"That's my spot." Ryan pointed out

"How long have you been up there?" She asked Ryan.

"Since you said sticky." He said

"Hi!" I said, flashing visible. Ryan let out a scream and Veracity cursed.

"And you?" She asked

"Since you emerged from the hatch." I said.

"Pretty cool, right?" Ryan said

"Uhhh yea, except for the hallway that smells like bratwurst." She complained.

"Didn't you tell Spyder to stop roasting meat?" I asked Ryan

"I did." He confirmed

"You still haven't told us that you're in." I said and jumped down from the loft area, landing in front of Veracity

"What? Oh no yea, I - I'm definitely in." She told me. "Giant monster-fighting robot. I will totally handle defence until Harris gets back." She told us

"Bump it." Ryan said, holding out his fist.

"I'm psyched to be here but I'm not really the bump it type." She told Ryan. He slowly put his fist down.

"So what's on deck?" She asked

"Fighting something way worse than some evil old billionaire." I said

We were working on a simulation. The simulation monster blasted us backwards.

"Okay! Uhhh fireballs might work, Spyder, try the missiles." I called out. I blasted 10 fireballs one after the other and Spyder fired the missiles

"Pulling up damage reports. Mark we're losing the ventral armour." I yelled

"Already on it." He said and ran to go fix it.

"Harris, shields." Ryan yelled

"Got you covered, Desmond." She said

"Wow. I've been calling you Ryan for what? 13 years now." Spyder said

"Not now, Spyder." I told him.

"Sorry, Veracity, habit." He said

"Okay, Spyder, arm cannon, I can shoot the fireballs and then Ryan can-" The power cut off all of the sudden. "My panel's dead." I said, in shock

"Mine too." Spyder said

"The robot won't respond." Ryan confirmed

"Bam! Simulation over! Bam! Welcome to Scraptown, y'all." A miniature Harris, said on our screens

"That was shit." I muttered

"At least the simulation program worked okay." Spyder said. Mark lifted the hatch and climbed out.

"Anyone else get an animated Harris mocking them on their Mech Link?" Mark asked

"Since he's been injured he's had a lot of free time." Spyder said

Mech X4, Spyder x OC (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now