Episode 18

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"Ready?" Veracity asked me. I nodded. "5,6,7,8" She called and helpless played. I always ended up tripping over my own feet ad I did, again.

"You have to get this." Veracity told me

"I know, I know! It's hard dancing in heels." I told her

"You know what it's fine, we should probably look at more data, anyway." Veracity told me and I nodded. Spyder was eating ice cream in the control room

"Where'd you get ice cream?" I asked

"While you guys were singing and dancing I went out and bought ice cream." I rolled my eyes and sat down and started reading a book.

"Where are they?" Ryan asked us

"According to the data I pulled off this bad boy, Harper was building greenhouses all over the world." Veracity told Ryan

"Also he was thinking about proposing to your mom." I added and wrinkled my nose

"Eww." Ryan said. "Why greenhouses?"

"After his apocalyptic thing, he was gonna need a steady supply of food." I told Rya

"This one, is in Brazil." Veracity said, pulling up an image on her computer.

"That makes sense, they could use the greenhouse to make the red bloom." Ryan said

"Exactly!" I told Ryan

"Plot a course." He told us.

"Don't you think leaving Mark behind is a bad idea?" Spyder asked Ryan

"You not having a napkin for your ice cream is a bad idea, leaving Mark behind is a great idea. He lied to us." Ryan told Spyder

"We're supposed to be a team. Come on Liz, V, back me up." Spyder asked us

"Yea... I'm kinda on team Ryan for this one" Veracity told Spyder

"Me too. Mark lied to us, lost Harris and here's a napkin." I told Spyder and threw him a napkin.

"I have total faith in the three of you." Ryan said, Spyder's ice cream fell on his computer and I facepalmed

"I have total faith in two of you." Ryan said to me and Veracity

"I still think we need Mark." Spyder said

"Not this Mark. He's back to being the arrogant jerk he was before we found Mech X4" Ryan said and looked lost in thought, we let him have his flashback for a couple minutes

"Hey! Snap out of it!" I told Ryan and clapped my hands.

"Right sorry. Liz, Spyder why don't you two go into the jet and Veracity and I will stay here." Ryan said

"Really, Eliza and Spyder, alone, cramped space." Veracity told Ryan. I groaned

"Veracity!" She smiled at me.

"Spyder can go up to the jet himself. Plus Liz can fight better than most of us." Ryan said.


We landed and Spyder came through the elevator.

"So the jet gets FM Radio, does anyone know what that means." Spyder asked. We gathered around Veracity's screen.

"Veracity what are we looking at?" Ryan asked

"Let's see growing pods, refrigeration area, ah! Here we go! Morris, Traeger, Harper, Grey and Harris." She told us

"So four and a half baddies." I summed up

"Four and a half? Harris is small as fuck." I told them

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