Episode 15

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Veracity was off touring the school she was dying to get into so the rest of us were chilling on the X-deck playing a game. Spyder was still recovering from food poisoning because I forgot to take one mouldy fish stick out of his locker and the idiot ate it. I rolled my dice and added a hexagon to my stack

"Alright, who's turn is it?" I asked. Ryan grabbed the dice, and rolled

"Alright! My fiefdome, is fief-dope." He said, hitting Spyder in the arm who groaned

"You sure, you're okay. We can go back to the Med Bay if you want." I told him

"Easy dude, I'm still feeling a little-" Spyder was cut off

"Stupid? For wearing that hat?" Mark interrupted

"No... still feeling a little barfy." Spyder muttered

"Really cuz I feel great, defeat Traeger, check, defeat all of you at this game, in progress." Ryan told us

"Not so fast... I've been playing this game so long, I have moves they haven't even invented yet." Leo bragged

"Surprising confidence considering Ryan's kicking your butt." Harris commented

"That's a first. Usually Ryan eats it at this game." Spyder said

"And we never get past the first round because all we end up doing is hassling him." I agreed

"How is this any different?" Ryan asked

"Well, we're celebrating Traeger's loss not Ryan's uh... shitiness at this game." I decided

"Not this time! Boom! Trance! SKIP! YOUR! TURN!" Ryan emphasized each word to Leo. Spyder promptly threw up. I rubbed his back in concern

"See... food poisoning. That's what happens when you keep fish sticks in your locker." Harris said

"Didn't you throw those away Liz?" Ryan asked

"I missed a couple and so did Veracity." I said, shrugging.

"Hey where is Veracity anyway? She's supposed to teach me gram o grams. Have you heard of this thing called memes?" Leo asked us in awe

"Leo, face it! You're old. And Veracity's touring a science school" I answered

"That's never invited Harris." Spyder snickered

"It's an all girls school." Harris argued "but my petition is working its way through court." Harris said

"I'm his certified lawyer." I said and we continued playing and playfully arguing

"Hey guys, I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I said, after I finished my turn and left. When I got back I saw Mark under the table.

"Okay! What's going on?" I asked

"Bomb, Ryan's grabbing a coolant." Mark told me. I wiggled under the table and blasted it with a steady stream of ice.

"Think this'll help?" I asked and Ryan returned with the coolant. Mark cracked the coolant open and placed it on the bomb. I anxiously watched as it ticked down and waited for the freezing cold to freeze the gears and it worked. I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding

"I would've heard if you guys had exploded, right?" Leo asked

"We're all good." I said grinning. I sat up and bumped my head against the table I had forgot I was under. "Owww!" I muttered and crawled out.

"Let's break open this thing." Mark said. I grabbed a bobby pin from my hair and used it to start unscrewing the different items

"Why does that work?" Mark asked

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