Episode 21

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I was sitting at my station on the robot, we were headed to Traeger's last known location.

"We're coming up on Traeger's last known location." I said. "Get ready."

"We're too late, he's gone." Harris said

"Egypt just got infected by the bloom." Veracity said. I pulled up images on my computer feed

"So did Florida!" I muttered

"How can he hit two places that are so far apart at the same time?" Ryan asked

"Buenos Aires got infected too." Mark said

"Space! There's only one place he could infect all those places from at once, space!" Veracity said

"Then that's where we have to go." Ryan said. I pulled up a map of the world and started mapping the different places that have been infected.

"So he has control of half the world." I said

"The robot doesn't have a space mode does it?" Veracity asked

"Believe me if it did, I would've been to space and the moon. Mooning something, on the moon." Spyder said

"I'm gonna cut you off there." I told Spyder

"Maybe it could. I mean the robot is airtight and it has it's own oxygen supply." Ryan theorized

"Like in sub-mode." Harris provided as an example

"And with the power up, we could break through the atmosphere potentially without burning up." Veracity said

"I would love to give Harper a zero g beat up, especially on his own space station." I said and cracked my knuckles

"You and me both." Mark said

"And I would love to see Traeger turned into a puddle of red goo, preferably with me being the one who turns him as revenge for briefly killing my girlfriend." Spyder said

"me too, not the girlfriend or revenge part but the Traeger part." Harris agreed

"Strap in!" Ryan said. I buckled into my chair and so did Harris and Spyder. Veracity pressed a button and sat in her chair.

"Wha? She got a CHAIR! Liz has a chair, Spyder has a chair, Harris has a chair, Mark! Nothing!" Mark yelled at Ryan and I snickered. "I can't go into space without-"

"Mech Xecute!" Ryan yelled, effectively cutting Mark off. We launched and I heard random objects clattering in the labs. Spyder and Harris and Mark looked scared silly. Veracity and I were cheering and throwing our hands in the air like a rollercoaster.

"Holding Holding!" Mark yelled

"Reaching escape velocity." Veracity and I yelled at the same time

"Face feeling weird." Spyder yelled

"Entering orbit in three two one!" Harris yelled. We entered orbit and random things started floating. My glasses floated off my head, and were lost in the robot somewhere. I unbuckled my seatbelt and started floating to grab my glasses. I did a weird swim back to my chair and buckled in.

"Someone create gravity please." I said, laughing.

"Hang on! Adjusting the gyroscopes." Harris said. Random objects clattered to the floor and so did Mark.

"Get. Me. A. Chair." Mark demanded

"Don't be such a baby about it! I can pull up the schematics of the space station, since I helped build it, they're on my phone." I scoffed and started towards the X-deck. I hooked up my phone and we created a hologram of it.

Mech X4, Spyder x OC (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now