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A/N: This isn't episode 3 as you can tell however it does take a while to write the episodes and I decided why not show the auditions to keep y'all entertained.

I made it into the audition room five minutes late. I sat down and started mentally preparing myself. 

"Liza." Veracity asked

"Ver! What are you doing here?" I was shocked "Are you auditioning? That seems a little out of character."

"No I am not auditioning. I'm on stage crew and I'm also helping cast." Veracity told me, "You're auditioning for Mack, right?" She asked. I nodded. "Well after you, we have one more for Brady and then we post the list."

"Veracity! We need you to help cast come on." One of the girls said and ushered Veracity into the practice room. 

"Elizabeth Harper. You're up." The same girl said. I nodded and followed her. 

"Okay, so I'm auditioning for Mack so do I read from the script first or sing or what." I asked.

"Sing first." They told me. I nodded

"I thought you were my fairy-tale

My dream when I'm not sleepin'

A wish upon a star that's comin' true

But everybody else could tell

That I confused my feelings with the truth

When there was me and you, whoa

I swore I knew the melody

That I heard you singin'

And when you smiled, you made me feel

Like I could sing along

But then you went and changed the words

Now my heart is empty

I'm only left with used-to-be's

And once upon a song

Now I know you're not a fairy-tale

And dreams are meant for sleepin'

And wishes on a star just don't come true

'Cause now, even I can tell

That I confused my feelings with the truth

Because I liked the view

When there was me and you" I finished softly. they clapped. 

"Alright now the break up between Mack and Brady." Someone said. Veracity opened up her script too. 

"Mack, what's going on?" Veracity asked me

"Brady where were you? It's over." I recited from memory, trying to get into character as much as possible. 

"You could've at least shot me a text." Veracity said monotone. 

"I did, twelve." I said, sounding exasperated.

"No you didn't"

"Check you phone." I told her, really getting into character and trying to 'embody' Mack and her emotions. The scene continued for quite some time. (Look I don't feel like writing the whole thing)

"Stop."One of the girls called, "That was amazing. I can confidently say you were the best one yet. Rehearsals are every day at lunch starting tomorrow. Next!" Someone called. 

I was waiting in the room for the cast list to be posted because why not. A boy came out of the audition room looking nervous and he was followed by the directors. The cast list was posted. I read it out loud since I was in front. The boy playing Brady was named Evan. The girl playing Lela was named Ella and the boy playing Tanner was named Harry.

"Hi I'm Evan, I'm gonna be playing Brady. You're pretty, not that I would judge you on looks because I am certain you are an amazing girl both inside and out but uh I figured since we're gonna be playing love interests or whatever, you'd wanna go on a date with me. Not a date date considering we just met but like one where its just the two of us and we get to know each other." He tried explaining. 

"I'd love that." I said smiling. You know what, maybe it's time I move on from Spyder. 

"Great, uh does tomorrow work?" He asked

"Come to 23750 Wallace Street and we can hang out at my place and rehearse and stuff." I told him. He nodded and gave me his phone number and I grabbed my stuff. Veracity approached me. 

"So, you hit it off with the guy playing Brady, huh." She said

"Yea, he's kinda cute when I think about it." I said grinning. 

"Okay, so you're cool kissing him at the end of the movie." She said and I did a double take

"Excuse me?" I asked

"Well we modified the ending so when you say 'I'm Mack' Brady's gonna say 'I know' and he's gonna kiss you and the movie will end." She told me. 

"OH! I should go now." I said my voice rising and left. 

Mech X4, Spyder x OC (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now