Episode 20

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I was standing to the side with Veracity and Spyder as Ryan and Mark were talking to Grace

"be careful all of you." Grace warned us. We all nodded and whooshed up to the control deck in the robot and we took off. Ryan was shooting to the sky and I clutched my stomach

"Slow down! Please." I said, holding my mouth, trying not to throw up

"Sorry, still getting used to this power up." Ryan told us

"Guys! Look London!" Spyder said

"ooooh... can we locate tom holland" I wondered absentmindedly

"Or Emma Watson." Spyder added

"Or can we go to platform 9 3/4 I really wanna go buy a wand and get butterbeer" I pleaded

"You can nerd out later Liz and you can get rejected by wizards after we take out Grey, Spyder." Veracity said, clearly annoyed with us. Grey in her monster form then came into view, throwing red bloom everywhere. Ryan knocked over the monster

"The red bloom is in the claws." I told Ryan

"If we can take out the claws then we can still hopefully help parts of London." Veracity said.

"Spyder, plasma axe!" Ryan yelled. He nodded. Ryan flung the axe, cutting off one of Grey's claws. The axe returned like a boomerang, cutting off the other claw and then Ryan caught it.

"Holy shit." I said in shock

"Shit! Grey's making a run for it." Veracity alerted us

"Watch this." Ryan said. He punched Grey and turned her monster into ooze.

"You can't let any of us have the glory, can you." I muttered and sat back. I high-fived Veracity and we both air high-fived Spyder.

"i'd high-five but you know." Mark said. The ooze started moving

"guys... Grey's life force was essentially connected to the monster. The ooze is migrating underground, probably back to Traeger but because we killed the monster, we may have killed Grey." I said rapidly. "I'm gonna go down there." I said and left the robot. I landed on the ground and ran to Grey. I put my fingers against her neck and felt a really weak pulse. I also noticed like damaged skin, it was a pink-ish colour, in the form of circles on her neck.

"Guys... she's almost like in a catatonic state, a coma." I said.

"Bring her into the robot." Veracity said

I placed Grey down on the med-bay bed and Veracity scanned for vitals

"I'm not sure what those things on her neck are but her vitals seem to be okay. There's no brain activity though. It's like a catatonic state." Veracity said, reiterating what I said earlier. I knocked on her head and there was a hollow sound.

"Nobody's home." I said

"Oh! Well in that case, I call dibs on her knifey-things." Spyder said. We all muttered our varying disagreement and protests against that.

"okay Spyder, put the weapon down." I said, and he stabbed at me, and I moved out of the way. "Oh! Did you really wanna do that, sweetheart." I said, mockingly and grabbed my knives.

"I'm starting to regret that. Sorry Liz." I muttered something under my breath and sheathed my knives, "Guys come on, I'm the weapons guy. I think I can handle AH" Spyder let out a shriek of pain as he dropped the knife on his foot.

"I call that karma." Veracity said, grinning

"Hey, she's got another one, do you want a matching pair?" I asked innocently. Spyder glared at me. "Veracity, can you handle it here with Ryan, I'll go with Mark and fix Spyder." I said. I grabbed some medical supplies and Mark helped Spyder limp out of the room. Spyder sat down on the couch.

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