Episode 12

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I was sitting on Spyder's desk absentmindedly tapping my fingers on the desk. I was waiting for Harper to fully connect the robot. Spyder put his hand on mine.

"Stop that." He told me. I rolled my eyes and started swinging my legs.

"The two halves are connected." Mark said

"You're welcome!" Harper said

"Hey Harper." I said, getting his attention.

"You're my daughter so call me dad." I scoffed

"In your dreams. I have a couple things to say to you about the whole fight to take over the world thing and getting rid of my flight." I said, slowly. Harper looked scared and I saw Spyder and Mark tense up.

*explicit language warning*

"FUCK YOU, YOU BASTARD, SON OF A WHORE, BITCH. YOU'RE A SLIMY NO GOOD SON OF A BITCH AND YOU DESERVE TO FUCKING ROT IN HELL. AS A MATTER OF FACT, YOU—mmmpphhhhh." I was cut off from my rant when Spyder put his hand over my mouth and lifted me up, which wasn't hard considering my height. I was still yelling insults through the hand.

"Alright. I'm gonna let you go, but you can't insult that good-for-nothing, dirtbag, Harper" Spyder said. I nodded and he let go of me. He just said I couldn't insult him, nothing about punching him. I started running towards him, ready to throw hands when Spyder caught me.

"I'm gonna go make sure the junctures hold and uh.., stay out of view for the majority of the trip. Bye!" Harper said, before leaving.

"I'm gonna let you go, and you're not gonna hurt anyone else, got it?!" Spyder asked me.
"Yea... let me go!" I said. I grabbed a book and walked over to my desk and started reading until we were ready to go.

"Hey guys," Ryan said, emerging from the elevator. So Leo's with my birthparents and he wants me and Liz to go with him."
"Alright cool! Let's go." I said


Ryan had gone with Leo to meet our birth parents to cure them or something and wanted me to stay behind because my presence could be disruptive. I am the least disruptive person on earth! I was putting on a random jacket I had found since it was kinda cold outside. I was supposed to go get pizza with Spyder, Veracity and Harris.

"Hey guys! You leaving? Got any plans? You free?" Mark said, hurriedly.

"I don't trust this." Spyder said

"What do you mean?" Mark asked

"You hate hanging out with us and yea we do have plans. We were all gonna go grab some pizza." I said

"Is it possible he just wants to hang out?" Spyder asked

"Or Georgia dumped him." Veracity said and I started laughing. Mark looked dejected and I immediately stopped.

"Ohhh... she did didn't she? Should I grab ice cream? A box of tissues?" I asked

"NO! I'm fine." Mark said

"Ya don't look it." I muttered

"She got made cuz I ghosted her to be in the Arctic and it's not like I could tell her why. And I'm gonna have to keep on ghosting her. But you're right! I really don't wanna hang out." Mark said and started walking away

"Ice cream's in the freezer and the tissues are in the cupboard to the right!" I called out after him. We sat down on the couch.

"Mark and Georgia were so perfect for each other. I mean if they don't work out... what hope to Liz and I have?" Spyder worried

Mech X4, Spyder x OC (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now