Episode 16

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"Okay guys, only a couple more weeks until the show! So, costume time!" Juliet squealed while clapping her hands. We had to postpone the show in the end and decided to do Hamilton instead. I was was Eliza in the show.

"Alright guys... Eliza and I have sewed the costumes and even got a couple props from broadway." Veracity said

"One of the teachers at the arts school knows Philippa Soo." I explained. "We got some of the letters that Eliza wrote and Renee's parasol from Take a Break as well as a bunch of fake pamphlets from the Reynold's Pamphlet."

"If you have problems with costumes come to me, if not, your costumes are on the rack, try them on, we're starting with the Schuyler Sisters. You try on your understudy costumes tomorrow." Veracity said. I grabbed my costume and went into one of the changing rooms. I struggled getting the dress on. I quickly grabbed my high heels that I was supposed to wear and quickly helped Willow, Peggy/Maria, put on her Peggy dress.

*timeskip to after rehearsal*

I was hiding behind the couch, stakes were high. Spyder had already betrayed me, so I had to take him out. I was hiding in the elevator with Veracity.

"Ryan already took Mark out, you can take him out. I'll be your backup." I told Veracity. She ran out of the elevator and fired at Ryan, they engaged in a brief laser fight when Harris took them both out.

"HA HAH!" Harris exclaimed triumphantly. "Hey, where's Liz?" Harris asked. I did a backflip out of the elevator and took out both of Harris's Mech Links he was using.

"Right here." I said, triumphant. "I won, bitches!"

"See, Eliza won without cheating. But nice use of loopholes." Veracity commented

"I believe I'm owed some frozen yogurt." I said and we left the robot.

*timeskip to next day*

I walked into school with Ryan and Spyder.

"Hey guys, I promised Juliet I'd advertise so uh... come to the school's production of Hamilton, tickets are only 3.99." I said, pressing a flyer into Spyder's hands and dashed off to my locker to grab my books and more flyers. I dropped almost all of them when I saw Harris and my jaw dropped.

"Is that- is that Harris?" I asked to no one in particular. I scrambled to pick up the flyers and joined the others

"Hey where's your vampire boyband?" Veracity asked

"Yea, I don't see them anywhere." I said, snickering

"Nice, new glasses, right, they look good on you." Harris complimented Veracity

"Okay... Harris just complimented Veracity, it's officially the start of world war three." I muttered

"No weak attempt a a comeback?" Veracity asked, confused

"Of course not, we're friends now, right?" Harris said. "hang on, give me a minute." We watched as Harris picked up Wade, twisted his arm behind his back and flung him over the table, to defend a nerd.

"I'm confused." I said

"Me too." Veracity muttered.

"oh, that reminds me. Most of these flyers are yours start posting them." I said, handing Veracity the majority of my flyers. "I've been handing them out all morning and uh... I have time before class and need to go over burn again." I sat down next to Spyder, placed my head on his shoulder and started humming burn under my breath. Every time someone would pass our table, I would hand out a flyer.

"Spyder, Liz, you guys don't think I got this. Liz, I posted the Hamilton flyers on every social media networking site and mad sure it was recommended to everyone in school. You've sold over a hundred tickets. And Spyder, you can stop gram tagging now." Harris said as some muscly sweaty gross dude burst in through the door.

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