Episode 17

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Ryan Veracity and I were trying to perform brain surgery on Harris to get the goo out or figure out a cure

"Easy there, Ryan!" Veracity said

"A little to the left." I said, looking at the iPad

"Are you sure he's out? I mean if he wakes up, he'll waste us." Ryan told us

"Nah we pumped him so full of sedatives there's no way he'll wake up." I reassured him

"Just stay in the zone." Mark told Ryan. "Just try not to think about the fact that you're basically performing brain surgery on your friend. Just remove that thought completely."

"Hey Mark, shut up!" Veracity snapped and Mark nodded and drew back.

"can you deactivate the part of his brain that makes him call all shoes loafers." Spyder asked

"I mean we could but it would cause severe trauma and he'd have problems with memory." I told Spyder

"Guys! Kinda need to focus." Ryan told us. We all apologized

"You got the sample, Ryan." Veracity said

"Now get out of there before you make him as smart as Spyder." I told Ryan.

"Hey!" Spyder complained

"And there's a sample. Veracity and I can probably make an antidote." I said

"Dang SON!" Spyder yelled and we all jumped back and I let out a string of curses.

"I'm sorry. I just felt like somebody needed to say it." Spyder apologized. "I miss Harris."

"We all do." I told him.

Veracity and I had both taken a part of the sample and were examining them.

"Mine doesn't respond well to stimuli." I told her.

"Neither does mine. The ooze has been weaponized by Traeger which is why the old antidote doesn't work." Veracity told Ryan

"So we have to amp ours up." Ryan told us

"Way ahead of you, plaid-lad." Veracity said.

"She needs someone to focus her sarcasm on with Harris gone. Anyway... the ooze is susceptible to a specific type of pro-catalytic enzyme. We just have to steal it from a hospital." I explained

"She means borrow." Veracity corrected

"No I mean steal." I told her


"Okay just lay low and not draw attention to ourselves." Ryan told us

"Get the enzyme get out and cure Harris." Veracity said

"We need to stay under the radar." I said

"Spyder!" One of the nurses called

"Betty! Did Lucy have her puppies." Spyder asked and I facepalmed

"What? I injure myself a lot. The ER and I are tight. Hey Kravitz, congrats on the promotion man." I noticed a bunch of white lab coats. I grabbed four and gave one to each person. I slipped mine on.

"perfect! Ryan said

"We should take the west tower elevators. They're faster." Spyder said and we all followed him.

"Oh no! An electronic lock. Whatever should we do." I said, monotonously

"I got it! I'll break down the door with my body." Spyder said. As Spyder ran to the door, Ryan opened in and Spyder fell and clattered into something

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