9 - lovely .

526 36 3

Thursday,July 20th.

"So are you excited?"

"I mean, sorta just a little nervous." I stated fluffing my hair

"You'll be fine baby, the way you described him he seems like a nice man." I gave my mom a smile

"Yea he seems sweet, and didn't you say y'all movie night was fun?" Janae asked picking her nails

"It was fun, we really didn't talk much ya'know because we were so into the movie. So I didn't really get to ask thee questions."

"Well make sure you ask him, where does he see himself in the next few years? Marriage, children, I feel like those are important questions especially with the age gap." I nodded my head taking in everything she said

"How old is he?" Janae questioned now looking at me

"I'm not sure, again I didn't get to ask. I'm gonna guess he's like 27-28." I examined myself over in the mirror I really wasn't feeling this outfit

"That's not bad, I was expecting a little older." Moma said before blowing some steam from her food

"Whatchu eating moma?" I asked whipping my head in that direction

"Smothered pork chops, with white beans and rice." Thinking of food made my stomach grumble

"Eck, pork chops moma so gross."

"So good." I laughed a little

"When's the last time, you spoke to Chass?" My mom asked

"About a day or two ago." I said smoothening the dress out

"Is everything okay? Did someone happened do I need to come?" Janae asked

"No, were just always together so we need a few days apart." I laughed which was true me and Chass became close but we both needed our space some days we were always together

I needed me time.

"Y'all what do y'all think?" I did a twirl

"It's cute Sani, I like it."

"Your breast look really nice, and when did you get another tattoo?"

"Last week, on impulse. I was bored." I glanced at the tattoo before slipping out of the dress

"Lord that girl thea, I tell you." Shaking her head she continued to eat

My phone beeped across the screen flashed,

Callum🤫 would like to FaceTime ...

My stomach dropped just a bit.

"Ah shit, let me call y'all back that's him." I said grabbing my phone hanging up

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