19 - complicated .

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Tuesday,August 23rd.

"I feel like shit been so awkward between us, I'm not use to not seeing her."

Callum was just getting off of work, he had plans on taking Hasani to lunch.

He felt like she was avoiding him, which he did not like whatsoever. Hypocritical right? That's exactly what he thought.

"What you mean? When's the last time you saw her?"

"About a week or two ago, it wasn't shit major stopped by her house we spoke for a bit and then I had to leave."

"Damn seems like yo ass stuck in the friend zone."

Joshua was the last person he wanted advice from, he just hated not having anyone to express his frustrations to.

The person he wanted to vent to was the person behind him needing to vent.

He wanted to know that what he was working so hard to fix, was even worth fixing.

"Don't say that shit."

"Woah chill man, ain't shit wrong with being friends."

"My nigga I'm a grown ass man, I'm not about to sit in the fucking friend zone like some lost puppy."

"Had yo ass been real from the get-."

"Yea get the fuck off my line." Smashing the red button he tossed the phone to the passenger seat

He needed an answer from Hasani, he apologized countless of times. And could understand from her standpoint of things.

But he also knew that for them to move forward, she would have to let it go.

So since she wouldn't answer his calls, he decided he was gonna pop up on her.

She was gonna give him answer today.

Stopping at a florist, he got an assortment of her favorite flowers soft pink Asiatic lilies, and yellow tulips.

Finding a decent parking spot, Callum parked his car straightening hisself out and grabbing the flowers before going inside.

Stepping into the elevator, an older black woman stood farther to the right smiling at him.

"Hello, how are you?"

"Lovely, thankyou for asking."

Nodding with a tight smile at his lips, he tilted his head back letting out a deep breath

"Those are beautiful, whoever they're for will love them." Cracking one of his eyes open stifling a chuckle

"Aww I hope she does."

"You seem troubled baby, are you nervous?"

"Is it obvious?"

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